About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu (2024)


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10 Oct 2015

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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (2)

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12 Oct 2015

  • English (US)

5.2K pts



I think you're right on all of the above points, but I believe that the song was written by Utada in both English and Japanese versions. You should just check the official lyrics.

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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (4)

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12 Oct 2015

  • Japanese

14 pts



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Thank you so much, vellyr!!
I'm happy to hear that.
As you pointed out, she made "光(hikari)" Japanese version of this song too and its lyric is a little different from English version.

In Japanese version "光", she wrote lyric like this, "We shouldn't think too much about future, it doesn't make sense. Let's have something delicious today anyways. Future is far. I don't know how it will be."
So I think she says almost same things in both songs, "sensible girls take things too seriously and their thought is sometimes right. but no one knows the future, don't think too much about that" lol.
She hasn't given us Japanese translation of the English version so far. Hopefully she will tell us.



14 Oct 2015

  • English (US)

205 pts



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I think 3), 3') and 5), 5') are all said by the other person, not her.

About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (12)

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15 Oct 2015

  • Japanese

14 pts



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Thank you so much, myisha!
That is inspiring idea! I will think about it.


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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (20)

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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (21)What’s this symbol?

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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (22)

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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu.be/UigzN-4JR14 My questions A: What does it mean the first 3 sentences of 1)? I think she supposes he will leave her someday. B: what does it mean the last sentence of 1) "it's hard to let it go"? I think she understands her feeling simple and clean won't last forever but she wish it will. C: I think 3) and 5) are what he says, but 3') and 5') are what she says. Is that right!? Some translations by net say both 3) and 3') , 5) and 5') are said by him... Lyrics 1) When you walk away You don't hear me say Please oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go あなたはいつか去っていくとき 「お願い、行かないで」と私が言ってもきっと聞かないわね。 でも今夜あなたは私をシンプルで何も不安のない気持ちにさせてくれてる。 ずっとこのままでいたい。 2) You're giving me too many things lately You're all I need You smiled at me and said, あなたは私にたくさんのものをくれる。 あなたはかけがえのない人。 あなたは微笑んでこう言うの。 3) Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet your father? 「悪く取らないで。愛してるよ。でもそれって君の父さんに会うとかってことじゃないよ」 3') When we are older you'll understand What I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple うん、わかってる。でも私が言いたいのはそんなことじゃない。もっと時が経ったらあなたもわかると思う。人生はそんなに単純じゃないってことが。 4) The daily things (like this and that and what, what) That keep us all busy All confusing me That's when you came to me and said, 日々のあれこれに私たちはただ流されていき、もっとなんとかしたいのにできない。あなたはこう言うの。 5) Wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? 僕が愛してること証明したいよ。でもこれ以上どうやって? 5') When we are older you'll understand It's enough when I say so, And maybe somethings are that simple うん、そうね。でももっと時が経ったらあなたもわかるはず。でも今はこれで十分なのかも。人生は意外とシンプルなのかもしれないし。 When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight It's hard to let it go 6) Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 今は抱きしめていて。この先どんなことがあっても(あなたの愛が嘘に変わったとしても)、まだ夜が明けるのはまだすこし先(今を味わっていればいいんだ)。 誰に何と言われようと、もう未来は怖くない。私はこれまでの私とは違うから。 Sorry that was such a long post. Thank you for reading. (23)

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About the lyric "Simple and clean" by Hikaru Utada I saw some japanese translations of this song by net but I'm not convinced them in some points. So I tried to translate (paraphrase) it by myself. Could you tell me how do you think about it? http://youtu (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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