Fifty Darker Shades of EraserMic - Chapter 36 - CrypticBeans (anactualcryptid666) - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

“Shouta, my love, I have a question! And something to talk to you about!”

“Hizashi, my pain in the ass, I have an answer.”

Hizashi narrowed his gaze at the dry reply form the black-haired man sprawled out over the couch with his laptop balancing on the back of it as he cuddled Cosmo to his chest. The white cat tucked her head up under Shouta’s chin as she purred deafeningly with Simba and Void curled by his feet. The scene of contentment. Sighing out he leaned against the doorframe when he tilted his head to rest against it. “So, I was talking to my doctor at my appointment.”


“And I was talking about how my piercing healing was going.”


He was losing Shouta. He watched as Shouta tapped at Cosmo’s pink nose. Catching a paw with his thumb tracing over the pads of her pads. Shouta was kissing at the top of her head with his lips and nose burying themselves in the white fur when he took a breath. Best to be outlandish and get his attention than quiet and being unheard. “He said they were healing good, and I asked about unprotected sex.”

There it is.

Shouta’s dark eyes flickered up to him curiously even as his lips and nose remained nuzzled in the white-fur of his cat. For Cosmo always had been more Shouta’s cat than she had been anyone else’s. She loved everyone in the house, no doubt, and loved strangers but it was merely different with Shouta. “And? Why would you ask about unprotected sex? What did they say about it? Isn’t that something that would hurt? Or ruin those piercings? I thought you love them?”

“I do! But um, no, actually! He said that while I’m technically five to six months out that while it’s not recommended to do it every single day that it’s okay once in a while. But like with every piercing I shouldn’t be regular with it, you know? Because even fully healed they could get infected and with the next three I’m getting he said the chance is higher. But I can technically do it but to watch for tearing or bleeding and to clean them as close to sterilizing them as possible. Watch for infection, yada, yada.”

“I know for one that your doctor did not say ”yada yada” just to clarify that.” Cosmo chirruped when Shouta pushed himself up into a higher sitting position with dark eyes narrowing on him.He held the cat like she was a small child that needed protecting but he could see it. The curious glint to those dark eyes when his husband adjusted his position again. “But why exactly were talking to your doctor about having unprotected sex with your piercings?”

“I asked because I wanted to bring up an idea to you that I would like very much to try off of our list.” Wavering on his feet, his husband gently coaxed Cosmo out of his lap to which she protested before flicking her tail as she dared off with Void launching himself. As if he had been waiting for the chance when Shouta nudged Simba off the cushion with his foot. “You have every right to say no, okay? If it’s icky or gross or you don’t want to do it then tell me, okay?”

“Zashi, love, you haven’t even said what it is that you want to do off of the list! Come here, will you?” Hands stretched out towards him when he shuffled over then sat down on the cushion. Shouta shuffled forward then with legs wrapping around his stomach and arms around his shoulders in an awkward sideways cling. Wrapping his arm around his lower back, he slid his left hand along his thigh when Shouta tugged at a lock. “Just tell me what you want, yeah? You should know by now I won’t judge, right?”

“Of course, I know you won’t! But, ah, it kinda is the thing that you would judge a bit for because it’s something you don’t like.” Oh, it was adorable to see that little head tilt of his husband’s. The silent imploration for him to continue onwards when he slid his hand along his thigh. Fingers tucking hair behind his ear when he took a slow breath before letting it out. “Do you know what felchi*ng is? Have you ever heard the term before?”

“No, I can’t say I have. What is it?”

“It’ll, um, be kinda weird and unpleasant for you but felchi*ng is basically eating or sucking sem*n out of someone’s anus or vagin*.” Black lashes fluttered in a blink when he felt heat gathering in the back of his neck when he let his gaze drop before plucking at the fabric of his husband’s pants. “And sometimes, when it’s deep enough, someone will drink it out with a-a straw. But it involves me, um, barebacking with you and cumming in you for it to happen. And you don’t like that at all and I know but I-”

“So, barebacking and then you want to drink your own cum? Does your deviancy know no bounds?” It was the attempt of a joke. Weak but when he peeked up through his hair to find a soft smile on Shouta’s lips when fingers trailed along his cheek when his gaze dropped again. He could feel that heat crawling up to his cheeks when he twisted then untwisted his fingers into his husband’s pants. “It’s hardly the worst thing you’ve asked for so far. So, what’s the problem then?”

“The problem is that you’ve made it clear from the day we started dating that you don’t like barebacking! You don’t like it when I cum in you! And this request of mine feels like I’m going to make you uncomfortable, and you won’t say anything like you always do! And I don’t want to force you to say yes just because I went to the doctors! But I wanted you to know he cleared it, but I also don’t want you to do this to make me happy when I know you don’t like it but I just-! I wanted-!”

“You’re babbling, love. Calm down, yeah? Take a moment to breathe and listen to me, okay?” Taking a slow breath, he let himself peeking up through his hair again at his husband before dropping his gaze again as his face burned. “I don’t like it. You’re right there and yes, I’ve done some things that make me uncomfortable, but we learn from it, don’t we? And you’ve taught me that, haven’t you? It’s better to try, not like it, and then know who has a thing for it, right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t want you to-!”

“Ah ah! You always tell me to listen to you, so you listen to me for once, yeah?” Pinching his lips together tightly when he felt fingers skim over his hot cheek before trailing down his cheek to his jaw. “Zashi, you silly little idiot, I don’t mind making an exception once in a while, don’t you know that? Remember last year with the plugs and you filling me up with cum until it spilled out? I agreed and you’ve pulled out many times to not cum in me which speaks volumes, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, but-!”

“No buts! Zashi, I won’t lie that I don’t like it. I never have and it’s never been my thing, okay? But I can make an exception now and again, okay?” Fingers slid along his jaw to tap at his chin as he twisted his fingers into the material of his husband’s pants when he looked up at the black-haired man through his lashes. Over the rims of his glasses at the blurry view of his husband now. “When do you want to do it? How do you want to do it? Do you want to do it today? If so, I should shower, shouldn’t I? To be clean?”

“That’s a little inconvenient to shower in the afternoon, isn’t it?” Black brows raised at him when he shifted in his spot before sighing out. Fingers twirled his hair gently when he lifted his head up, yet his glasses slipped down his nose. “I’d like to do it today, if that’s possible? Or tonight after everyone’s in bed? It’s not too hard and I won’t do it so deeply we, um, worry about it. But you’re sure? Sure that you’re okay with this? I don’t want you to feel you have to go out of your comfort or boundaries to make me happy, you know?”

“I know. And trust me, this isn’t the farthest comfort boundary of mine. I don’t like it but it’s not like you’re doing something inexcusable with me, is it?” There was a sharp tug on his hair then when Shouta’s hand came up. The lock he held brushing his cheek when his glasses were pushed up. “And it’s not like we were ever prissy, were we? I’m not so uptight I won’t try something, and I have you to thank for that, don’t I? So, tonight then?”

His husband truly was a gift. He felt his face burn when fingers skimmed over his cheek when a hum left his husband. Expectant. He plucked Shouta’s pants once more before he leaned in when fingers tugged on the lock. And he pressed his forehead to Shouta’s when the black-haired man let go of his lock only for that dry palm to cup his cheek. “Tonight.”

The waiting had been agonizing. He’d tried to give his husband the option to back out, but the black-haired man had remained resolute. Steadfast. There had been a set to his husband’s jaw each time that told him of that stubbornness rearing its ugly head by the fourth time he’d asked. He knew his husband had given his consent, but he couldn’t stop worrying. Couldn’t help feeling that Shouta would be resentful about it later on or find it gross. That he would have a problem with it at a later time somehow.

And so, holding his tongue, he bit his lip on questioning his husband when he instead turned his attention to other things to get done. Tasks that could keep his mind busy when Eri had come to him asking to go to the park which he readily accepted when Shouta pushed. Insisting he take her out so he could clean the house without them around to cause mess after mess. He happily dressed his daughter up before rushing out the door with her with his bag packed. Three hours lost chasing Eri along the playground.

Helping her when needed on the slides and monkey bars. Pushing her on the swing as high as she wanted and letting her run free in the big field of the park when she desired. Listening to her breathless shrieks and laughter, her manic giggles, until he was handing her water and snacks. Three hours under the hot sun that left the top of his head warm before they were heading back home. He knew why his husband had all but shoved him out of the house with their daughter.It was to get him out of his own head.

To not spend hours worrying and nitpicking over it . And despite her afternoon at the park, Eri insisted that Shouta come outside in the backyard with her. To check on the soil in the yard so she could begin planting her little flower garden again. It was then that Shouta had pushed a shopping list into his hand for dinner tonight and he happily flew out of the house. To get that quick shopping done only to return home to not just Hitoshi and Denki but Shoto Todoroki and Midoriya with him this time round.

He’d been pleasantly surprised when Shouta had taken the bags from him to begin cooking while Eri tugged him downstairs to join her tea party. All small things that kept him busy as Eri happily flew about the room while Shouta prepared dinner upstairs. He couldn’t deny there was an awkwardness in his husband who sat stiffly next to him while the teenagers sat at the table with them. It wasn’t exactly an unknown secret that he lived here but the wedding band on his finger and the chain his husband wore?

It didn't take a rocket scientist. Even if Shouta refused to wear his on his finger when Hitoshi had company around that wasn't Denki. However, he knew and those bright eyes of the teenagers told him they knew. It’d be impossible not to, yet they always remained tight lipped about their suspicions. After dinner, the teenagers had migrated downstairs to the game set up down there when Eri insisted on watching a few episodes of Bluey before bed. He’d been able to forget about that jittery energy until he was sitting next to Eri.

All but bouncing and squirming in his spot until the white-haired girl had whined at him to stop bouncing in his seat. Told him to stop moving before leaning into his side while Shouta had gotten to work on the dishes in the kitchen. And once he was getting Eri tucked into bed? He was racing down the hallway towards the stairs he forced himself to walk down when he noted the teenagers at the bottom of the stairs. Giving polite goodnight as they went upstairs with Hitoshi to which he flew down the downstairs hallway.

Rushing into the kitchen the second he heard that door shut. After their initial conversation where he’d explained felchi*ng, they had come together with a simplistic plan. One that consisted of their shower tonight to scrub and make sure they were clean as possible. The brief discussion on his pull back and where he should stop on said pull back to make it easy to suck it out of the black-haired man. Of course, he let his husband have his moments alone in the bathroom to clean himself out properly as he could.

He knew his husband was mortified by the thought he understood what he was doing by the way his cheeks had turned that brilliant red. He’d been all too happy to get the bedroom ready, however, while Shouta did so until he was being called into the bathroom to join him for that shower. And from there it was focused on cleaning as thoroughly as they could without scraping skin raw. Of course, his side of things was done quickly with a familiarity while his husband insisted on a few moments alone in the shower.

Just to make sure he wasreallyclean which he happily respected when he jumped out.He knew that his husband wanted to double check and finish a few last moments to make sure that he was completely ready. Clean himself as much as possible without scrubbing themselves raw. There was no need to go above and beyond into discomfort because of some worry. But he understood that his husband wanted to prevent any chance of an infection for his piercings. After all, he wasn’t the only one that loved his piercings.

He knew Shouta, albeit resentful and doubtful at first about them, seemed to love them dearly. It was something that helped enhance sex according to the internet and he hadn't believed it at first but now? Now he was a firm believer it made it better. But he also liked how the studs looked on him. He could only imagine how nice they'd look once completed with the additional three bars later this year when he got the greenlight from his doctor. An appointment that he now knew his husband was also looking forward too.

And he knew that while his husband didn’t think of genital piercings that this was something new for the both of them. Something he adored. Something Shouta was seeing the charm about, but he could see why his husband would want to double check. To make sure he was properly clean and cleaned out before they even thought about bareback sex. He was honestly quite surprised that his husband had agreed to it so readily. When he’d tried questioning him in the shower, Shouta shot water at his face with the shower head.

Signing at him that he needed to stop questioning. That they were doing it, and his answer hadn’t changed. Standing before the mirror as he moved the hair dryer over his hair while Shouta stood next to him with a towel wrapped around his waist. Brushing his teeth with dark eyes locked onto him while he dried his hair with the hair dryer. There was a sparkle to his gaze with pupils shrunk to pin points as his hair waved around his face. Drying it the best he could as that spots of color bloomed over his cheeks.

Calling to attention the freckles there when he tore his gaze away from the mirror. He fought the urge to bounce on his toes when his husband bet over to spit into the sink with the water turning on. It was always so unnerving having his hearing aids out; knowing the sounds of his husband’s actions yet hearing nothing. It was an off-kilter sensation like the heat blasting over his ears from the hair dryer and it’s air lost to him even if he felt the air hitting his ear. Rushing down to his ruined ear drums.

He watched Shouta scoop water with his hand up to his mouth where he swished before spitting it out again. And then his husband was straightening up with drying curls brushing against pink cheeks. Nodding at him with that silent resolution before he was drying his hand on his towel before putting his tooth brush away.On his way past, fingers brushed over his lower back in a caress that had goosebumps breaking out over his skin when he swallowed watching dark eyes lock onto his in the mirror briefly.

A passing moment before his husband stopped in the doorway where he got the pleasure of watching fingers tugging at the towel allowing it to pool onto the floor. Admiring the backside of his husband’s naked form as that head tilted back to give one of those coy looks over his shoulder before his husband moved. Disappearing into the bedroom with black locks swaying against his upper back. The blow dryer wavered in his hand with the threat of dropping as his face burst into heat when his eyes flicked to the mirror.

Wide. Pupils expanding ever so slightly when he noted the red appearance to his ear prompting him to tighten his grasp and work on drying his locks. To be decently dry, at least, when he watched the spots of color deepening into a red blush. Blotchy but he happily let his gaze flicker away from himself. He dragged his teeth over his bottom lip. Moving his fingers through the drying locks as he waved the blow-dryer over it to dry it quickly. Tugging at snags and knots carefully with his fingers as he combed them through it.

Shivering at that heat flickering under his skin when he let himself glance down at the towel abandoned on the floor. His husband, it seemed, had a budding confidence and boldness tonight. And he couldn’t deny himself that it turned him on like nothing else. Now that they weren’t rushing around from point A to point B or drowning in work, they foisted upon themselves they had time. They had open schedules that naturally gave them far too much time again and with their anniversary two weeks away?

Oh, he had more than enough time on his hands to think of what they had left for their challenge this time round. Fourteen more choices left to be made before it was over. It put an odd lump of emotion in his throat at the thought of another challenge ending so soon when his husband seemed to be enjoying it this time round. That shyness had been proven all too present last year with how easily embarrassed his poor husband had been but this time round? Shouta seemed to have a confidence he hadn't had last time.

A wicked joy and delight in each choice they made that hadn't been there the first time. A confidence in his choices without that red faced embarrassment. It was odd; like they’d flipped places with themselves being strangely embarrassed asking for a few things so far. But could anyone blame him? Close as they were, confident as they were in their kinks and each other one never knew when something would be too much. Too kinky. Bringing his gaze back to the mirror, he blinked when he leaned forward closer to the mirror.

Surprised when he caught the sight of a fine blonde stubble over his jaw. His cheeks. When had he forgotten to shave? How long had he been laxing on that? He didn’t shave as his husband did given how delicate his face was and prone to breaking out in razor rash. Rather, he waxed his face. It was always easier and faster with little break out for himself. He’d have to message Nemuri about the wax packets he’d left at her place. His throat vibrated with the hum as he pinched his lips together when he turned the hair dryer off.

At least he noticed it now rather than letting it grow thicker like his husband’s; at the moment it was merely fine enough to be missed but, in a day, or two it would darken as it grew in. He’d have to talk to Nemuri about clipping his hair too now that he was looking and feeling the new length of it. Unplugging the hair-dryer, he began to wad up the cord before bending down to tug at the drawer before sliding it in. Shutting it with a thud, he straightened up where he found that determined expression pinching at his face.

He was more than excited to try this, and his husband was more than willing. Consent was a dubious thing; it could be given and taken away at any moment. If his husband had any reservations, he would make that known loud and clear. It wasn’t often that they indulged in unprotected sex like this. That was merely for the fact that from the very beginning of their relationship his husband had always made his boundaries very clear. That condoms were his preference. Even if it was hot the few times there were a few cons to unprotected sex.

It had its pros as well and he had not a problem wearing a condom. He’d never had a problem or any qualms about wearing condoms; there was no reason too when he was raised to respect a significant other. And Shouta had made his stance clear through the years with exceptions that were far and few between. This was clearly one of the exceptions as his husband put it earlier in the living room. Just like how he had assured him by bringing up that scene last year with the anal plugs play that they'd tried to spice up.

When he’d been filling his husband up throughout the day. It left him flush to recall that when he looked away from his red face in the mirror with a deep breath. Letting it out slowly, he looked down only to jump at the running water that he quickly shut off before turning towards the doorway. He needed his hearing aids in. His gaze dropped down to his husband’s towel on the floor when he recalled that coy look from seconds ago. The intentional drop of that towel. God, if it didn’t have his skin flashing with heat.

And following his husband’s lead, he forced his feet to move as he approached the doorway with his hands dropping to his waist. Tugging the towel from around his waist as he stepped over the threshold of the bathroom into their bedroom. Dropping the towel down when dark eyes flickered over to him. And God, it had heat flashing under his skin again at the sight of his husband. Not a stich of clothing as he laid out on their bed with knees bent up ever so slightly. Black locks spread out over the deep comforter.

The pale hue of his skinglowedagainst the deep coloring of it with the soft blushes gracing his skin from the lingering heat of their shower.The soft blemishes and scars on his skin that always begged for kisses. That his fingers could trace without needing to see them. He looked beautiful. So, so beautiful with nipples hardened from the chill or the excitement he had not a clue. His chest arched up slightly from the bed with legs pressed towards as knees bent upwards with his hips arching up with his shift.

The flash of his name scrawled over Shouta’s left hip as the glossy hoops of his earrings caught the soft light from the lamp. Reflected in those glittering dark eyes giving them a softer appearance as they locked onto him. Bottomless. The soft look was only enhanced with the soft spots of color he could see blooming over his husband’s stubble covered cheeks. His dick resting against his thighs twitched when Shouta spread himself out with hips arching up against with that silent invitation for him to look.

To come closer.His skin burned with that flash of heat when what he had to guess was a trembling breath left him. His glasses would be coming off any second this time but he wanted to take his time. To admire that crystal clear, seductive image of his flushed husband. Who, quite honestly, seemed to glow with that boldness tonight. Brimming with the flashy confidence that always turned him on like no one’s business to see in his husband. A bold, confident look to his husband that was f*cking sexy.

And he was burning up at his husband’s bold actions as he stumbled towards the bedside table with lips pinching together as he reached for his hearing aids. Was his husband trying to make it easier on him? Or was this some kind of odd seduction to make him fall back into his old comfort? To forget about his worries earlier? He had not a clue, but he f*cking loves it. His fingers trembled lightly as he tucked his hearing aids into his ears with fingers raised to turn them on when his husband was moving.

Flipping over onto his stomach two which he paused. Admiring the soft scars littering that pale skin when his husband pushed off to sit back on his knees as hands rose up. The soft lighting highlighting and casting shadows over dips, folds, and curves on his husband. It gave his body definition that was unneeded but God if he didn’t love them. Admiring the softness to his husband’s stomach that would be softer than toned soon enough, he was sure of it. The start of a soft, squishy Dad body that had him over the moon excited.

Something that would come with apparent in two or three years' time. It had him unbearably excited at the thought when he focused on the black-haired man’s hand. Fingers snapping silently to get his attention again when he blinked then forced himself to focus on Shouta. A roll of dark eyes had black lashes fluttering with that soft grin curling over his husband's full lips. As if amused with his lack of attention when he then watched his husband’s raise up between them before they began to move silently.

I want you to wait, okay? Don’t turn them on yet. I don’t want you to find an excuse to panic again about everything. Pausing he blinked at his husband who settled back on his heels with hands moving again to sign at him. I want you to know that even if I don’t like bare backing or unprotected sex, I want to do this with you. I am more than comfortable trying this with you, so I don’t want you to feel bad anymore, okay? I want you to have fun with me while we do this, okay? Do you still want to do this?

Did he still want to do this? He swallowed when he lifted his hands away from fussing with his hearing aids placements over his ears to sign back at his husband. I want to do this more than you can possibly know, baby. I want to do this badly, and I want to have fun. I just don’t want you to think I’m going out of my way to ask you to do things that push your boundaries, you know? You’ve let me know since we were twenty what you did and didn’t like when we began having sex. It’s sort of like old laws now, you know?

I know. Shouta paused then before crawling to the edge of the bed where he then sat back on his heels with his shoulders lifting then falling. A sigh? Or an exhale? Zashi, I think I made it clear that exceptions are okay. I did it a few times last year, didn’t I? I don’t mind having unprotected sex with you once in a while! Besides, it’s not like I’ll have to worry about dripping over the blankets, will I? I won’t have to worry about you making a mess like that, do I? If you want to try this then I don’t mind it. I really don’t.

He sighed out then when he licked his lips before walking forward towards his husband who shifted in his spot as he closed the gap. Approaching his husband who seemed more than happy with his approach when he moved his hands. Okay, okay, I know I’m being a baby about it. But I just don’t wanna go stomping over boundaries, you know? But if you’re really okay with it then I’m more than happy to get started! Because you don’t need to seduce me, you know? I’m more than willing.

A wide, manic smirk curled over his husband’s lips then when he raised his hands up towards his ears while hands slid along his waist before pulling back. Lifting up for him to watch hands moving as dark eyes sparkled at him. Oh, I know. I know I don’t need to seduce you but it's fun once in a while, isn’t it? To think I have to seduce my all too willing husband? I like to put on a bit of a production sometimes, you know. Tonight, just so happens to be it. Now will you please kiss me? Give us what we both want?

Smiling at his husband, he reached to touch at his hearing aids before flicking them on and it was startling. Disturbing like any other time to be submerged in the quiet sounds of the world around him. As if he had stepped out then back in with the sounds deafening. The quiet breaths taken by the both of them. The brush of Shouta’s hands on his waist and the rustling blanket beneath him. The wind puffing lazily into the bedroom and the quiet music his husband had put on their bedroom speaker.

He then slid his hands up to grab at the sides of his glasses to tug them off of his nose which his husband took from him gently. Folding them before putting them on the bedside table for him. And then his husband was crawling backwards allowing him the space to climb up onto the bed with him. He happily pressed his knees to the bed to climb up when he watched Shouta situation himself by the pillows. Crawling around him, he watched feet pressing to the bed then sliding over it as legs fell open.

And God, as he reached that spread area, it was absolutely beautiful the view he had of his husband. Swallowing as he crawled forward with the blanket rustling beneath him as he situated himself in between Shouta’s spread legs until he was hovering over him. Hair slithering over his shoulders to dangle down while black locks spread over the dark pillow case as hands raised up to touch his shoulders. Tugging him down which he was more than happy to comply with as he settled down against the warmth of Shouta.

Pressing his lips to those full ones when he admired their plush, firm press against his. Sliding his lips against Shouta’s in that first kiss had the black-haired man melting beneath him when lips moved with his as they melted. Shaping to mold and curve against his as they brushed together quietly as he admired their softness tonight. His husband seemed to be getting better at taking care of his lips and he f*cking loves it. Moving his lips with Shouta’s, he listened to the quiet whispering of their moving lips.

He leaned onto his right hand while lifting the left up to slide along his husband's thigh in a sweeping caress. Muscles jumped beneath his hand when a sigh fanned over his cheek with arms wrapping around his shoulders to hold him close to Shouta's chest. Wiry curls tickled at his chest with hardened nipples rubbing against his chest sent a shiver down his back. The warmth radiating off of his husband was absolutely melt worthy. It was like Thursday all over again; laying skin to skin with his husband as he kissed him.

It was an intimacy that he absolutely adored sharing with his husband. Sliding his hand along the black-haired man’s thigh when he felt them coming together to press against his waist. A sigh left himself as he caught a quiet hum leaving his husband with fingers tugging at his hair lightly as those soft, full lips pressed against his. A plush press as they curved and fit with his with their lazy slides against his own. It was a breath of relief that they didn't have their crushing pressure to continue on with their tight schedules.

When they were so exhausted that most days they valued sleep over sex. But now, now, now hecould appreciate it all slowly. Appreciate him properlyagain.God, it was a relief to final reach the end of that packed schedules of theirs. Humming out himself at the black-haired man when a hand buried itself into his hair to cup the back of his head. Nails scratching at him gently while the other slid down his back to scratch at his shoulder blade lightly sending shivers down his back. Shuddering at the tingles fanning under his skin.

He happily moved his lips with those full ones that filled the gaps his own couldn’t help filling. He let out another sigh when he squeezed at his husband’s thigh only to feel the muscles tensing beneath it. Trembling lightly when they rubbed against his waist. He knew that his husband was right; that he was overthinking this when he didn’t need too. After all, he was going to take care of this man and pamper him all night long if that’s what he needed from him. What he wanted. He wanted to take and give everything tenfold.

He couldn’t deny that he’d been jittery with his excitement to get to this moment right here. He’d have to be careful, very careful, which meant he had to keep an eye out for tearing. For any sign of pain. But he could handle that on his front so long as his husband kept him in the loop on anything on his end. The black-haired man seemed to have chosen something slow, nice, in terms of the music he caught on the speaker. Fitting. He’d have to let Shouta pick music more often if they were to play it during sex.

The quiet sound of their moving lips damn near lost under that soft music as he moved his lips with his husband when he swept his hand up his thigh towards his waist. Kneading at his husband who shuddered beneath him with the arm draped over his shoulder shifting to instead curve down along his side. His hand sliding up and down, up and down, up and down in that soothing circuit of his. Fingers feeling out the scars that littered his own freckled skin with light brushing touches with light grazes of his nails over him.

It had him shuddering when the hand in his hair tightened on the fistful it gathered together. He shifted his hand down to squeeze at his husband’s hip before moving his thumb to roll soothing circles into him. The black-haired man shuddered beneath him again with thighs squeezing against his waist in a brief rub that had heat flashing beneath his skin when those thighs squeezed. A quiet display of strength that had the heat smoldering along his bones to claw up beneath the surface of his skin. Leaving him warm.

Flushed. He let out a short, sharp breath as he moved his lips past that lazy speed they were using to a slow one. Something insistent that his husband seemed to pick up on as those full lips moved to follow along with him. Kneading at his husband’s hip, nails grazed lightly over his back where they traced at scars they found. Like Shouta could see how they mapped out across his skin with closed eyes. Light drifting nails skimming over his skin had him shuddering at the sensitivity of it following their hot shower.

It had his heart skipping in his chest when he felt his husband’s hips arching up slightly. Rolling circles into his right hip, he shuddered when nails dragged over his lower back. A firm touch that remained playful when that hand slid up along the center of his back. Moving up to scratch between his shoulder blades coaxing them to come together as he arched down against the black-haired man. Letting out a trembling breath when he slid his hand up from his waist to slide his hand up to his husband’s chest.

Tracing his fingers blindly over his chest until he was touching the familiar skin of his areola that he dragged his nails over playfully. His husband inhaled sharply when he dragged his nails over his areola again before trailing his fingers over that hardened nipple. Fingers tightened their hold on his hair to give a sharp pull that sent sparks racing down his back with a low groan flying out of him. He trailed his fingers over Shouta’s nipple again, again, again as it perked up fully beneath his trailing touch.

Then he brought fingers together to pinch lightly at it. Oh, it had his husband’s chest arching up to press into his hand with a huffing breath leaving the black-haired man. Squirming beneath him when nails came down his back lightly. Just enough pressure to get him shuddering as he broke out in goosebumps. It was warmer tonight than average for early June, promising for the next day to become warmer. A cycle that would bring them the summer heat that always left him absolutely thrumming.

However, it added a warmth to the room despite the goosebumps rising over his skin as he pinched harder at Shouta’s nipple. Twisting lightly from side to side when the black-haired man nudged his hips up slightly against him to which he happily gave in to the quiet request. Sliding his hand from Shouta’s nipple, he wrapped his arm around his lower back before flipping. Hitting the bed causing it to bounce with a light squeak of a protesting spring as Shouta rolled on top of him with legs nudging his apart.

And with his right hand free, he swept his hands from his waist to his stomach right up to his chest causing his husband’s chest to arch forward. Pushing into his hands as he rubbed the pads of his fingers over his chest. Through the curls of hair until he was touching his areolas with blind flicks at his nipples as lips pressed firmly to his with that slow speed. Building as he trailed his fingers over his husband’s nipples earning himself a shudder when a hand pressed to his chest with fingers fanning outwards.

Flicking over his own nipple to get his back arching up from the bed slightly with his feet sliding over the bed as he spread his legs out. Pushing them as wide as he could without the protest of his hips as trembling breaths fanned over his hot cheek. Trailing his fingers lightly at the hardened nipples of his, he dragged his nails over Shouta’s areolas again earning himself a whine from the man. The push of that chest into his hands when he felt fingers sliding over his own nipple in that idle back and forth.

It was amazing reminiscent of their early days of dating; when his reserved husband had gotten the courage to request no shirts. That mortifying afternoon when they’d both had gotten hard after a few kisses with their shirts off. Of wandering hands. It was a sweet Deja vu moment as he brought his fingers together to pinch hard nipples earning himself a hissing breath from Shouta. The squirming twist that pressed their hips together when he groaned at the feel of Shouta’s twitching dick pressing against his hip.

It had his own dick twitching with the excitement coiling tightly inside of him leaving him flushed as he exhaled sharply only to drag another breath down quickly. Shortening breaths that raced quietly in and out much like his husband’s breaths when fingers came together to pinch sharply at his nipple. It had him groaning out again when his husband whined with a squirm when he lightly twisted his fingers back and forth, back and forth as that heat twisted under his skin. Raking beneath the surface of it viciously.

He felt another twitch of the black-haired man’s dick against his hip. Oh, it was strangely thrilling like this; with not a stitch of clothing on, feeling each shudder and twist. To feel the warmth of his husband’s body against him rather than through clothing as they grinded together. It was a thrill he hadn’t known he would adore but he did. Oh, he loved it to bits to lay skin to skin like this with the black-haired man. Giving another idle twist to those hardened nipples when he pinched down tighter at them.

A tug that had his husband whimpering into the kiss as lips pressed down harder to his own. Something he happily answered in kind with a hard press of his own when he felt the black curls of his husband’s hair brushing against his cheek. The side of his neck and shoulder slithered over Shouta’s shoulders. It had him humming out softly at the soft touch of his husband’s drying hair when he tugged again at hardened nipples before pinching tightly. Twisting again side to side to get his husband whimpering again.

Shuddering when fingers pinched firmly at his nipple. A hard squeeze that had him moaning delightedly as he arched his chest up into his husband’s chest as his dick gave a volley of excited twitches. Identical to the twitches he felt against his hip of his husband’s dick as he shuddered with a groan flying out if him in unison with Shouta. God, it was f*cking hot. He really should advocate for this being a more common thing. He tugged at his husband’s nipples as lips slid against his with that budding passion he returned in kind.

The desire that was beginning to bleed into that hard kiss as he happily tugged at his husband’s nipples again. Pinching hard as he dared, earning himself a keening moan from his husband when he felt a drip on his hip. It had him groaning with hips arching up slightly towards his husband when the fingers plucking at his nipple slid away to tap at the back of his. Humming quietly at the touch, he pulled his hand away when he caught the quiet pats next to them. Listening to the quiet scratch of nails over the comforter.

Loud. And then Shouta broke away with a growl when he lifted his head up only to groan. And then his husband was stretching awkwardly to the side while remaining between his legs. He blinked up at the blurry image of his husband when he was turning on his side from the push on his leg with a yelp. And then he squinted with the attempt to see when he caught the blurry image of his husband stretching for the bedside table. A quiet grunt left the black-haired man when he was crawling back awkwardly.

Settling himself between his legs when he rolled onto his back. And f*ck, the sight of his flushed husband had his dick twitching as that flicker of heat raked under his skin at the heat blazing in those dark eyes. Locking onto him when the tube was held out towards him. Without a drop of hesitation, he happily accepted it from his husband who settled back down with hands brushing brush down his chest. Down his stomach with a sharp exhale fanned over his cheek when his own hitched in at those brushing fingers.

How they traced along his happy trail downwards.Sliding along the lower half of his stomach down to his pelvis as his husband then leaned forward onto his left hand. Coming down, he happily tipped his face up as full lips were pressed against his own fiercely where they slid against his. Continuing that kiss as if they’d never parted had him squirming with such delight as he adjusted his grasp on the lube. Clawing the cap open blindly as he pressed his lips hard against Shouta’s as he moved in his lips in quick slides.

Urgent. Lustful. It had a fast sighfanning over his cheek. The cap popped open for him when he held his fingers out to squeeze a dollop onto them in a lazy drizzle before placing it down on the bed. Leaving it within reaching distance when his husband’s fingers reached his pelvis. Fanning out through his pubic hair with nails dragging over him to which he happily arched his hips up once more. Feeling the twitches of his husband’s dick against his thigh had him breathless as he squirmed wildly.

Whining encouragingly at the black-haired man as he spread the lube over his fingers quickly. He wanted to touch, to caress, to grab onto his husband the way those fingers were. Fingertips touched the base of his dick to which his breath hitched when he pulled his hands apart to reach backwards. Sliding his hand down his husband’s back towards his ass had it arching down against him with a whine leaving the man. Hips arching up as he brushed his fingers over a cheek with a playful drag of his nails over it.

Grabbing at it in a hard squeeze had Shouta moaning out when fingers wrapped around his twitching dick. That ache twisting into his lower stomach with a surprising intensity when he arched his hips up towards Shouta who huffed out a breath. Racing, shallow breaths being taken through noses as lips slid against his with that lustful desire he answered with his own. Pouring his passion, that heat, into the kiss had lips moving quickly against his with smacks ringing out intermittently to break up the quiet whispering.

Tugging at the cheek in his grasp, he spread his open just enough for him to slip his slick fingers forward. To touch at his husband when he rubbed his fingers against his hole earning himself a whimper. A pleading, quiet sound that had his blood burning from the sizzling heat under his skin when Shouta’s hand began to move. Stroking him slowly, lazily, with knuckles brushing against his stomach with that tight grip to ease the ache twisting into him. The desire grabbing at his bones with a rattling intensity.

Building up with each slide of those lips against his. God, he’d never wanted him more. Being so busy the past five weeks had only enforced that desire; made him truly believe that distance truly did make the heart fonder. He never said it to his clearly frustrated husband, however, but kept it to himself. No need in irking his husband with his “little phrases” when they’d both be set tense. Rubbing his fingers against Shouta in that tight up and down with a firm press down had hips arching backwards into his hands.

Twitching back with lips crushing themselves with quick slides that he happily followed along with his husband’s knuckles brushed over his stomach intermittently with his slow strokes. It had his dick giving yet another volley of excited twitches as he took his racing breaths through his nose when Shouta squeezed at him with a pressure to get him moaning. The slick squelch of his sliding fingers had his husband whining at him when he curled his fingers in just enough to tease. Swirling the pads of his fingers against his husband.

Groaning lowly in his throat when he felt a twitch of that hole beneath them. Hard, slow circles he swirled over the black-haired man’s twitching hole had the man whining at him again. A keening, reedy sound that had his heart jumping in its pounding beats when heat raked beneath his skin in another of those bursts that had him wheezing out a sharp breath. Squirming beneath his husband when he tugged on the cheek he held in his hand as continued with those slow circles over his husband that had hips arching back again.

Pushing against his fingers as lips slid against his with that fervent desire to get him burning. Smoldering. He adores this man with every f*cking fiber of his being. Loves it when that desire, that lust, was given to him in return. Never wavering. Never faltering. It had his pounding heart skipping again as his stomach dropped with a surprising intensity as he returned that passion and heat. The lustful hunger twisting its way into his chest leaving him hot, hot, hot as he rolled those firm circles over his husband.

Switching it up for that up and down rubbing with the slick squelches ringing out from the movement when Shouta moaned into the kiss. Pushing his hips back with that insistent force into his hand; as if he could the rubbing fingers to slip into him. How much prep work did his husband do? Was he ready to go and merely wanted him to prepare him anyhow? Did he want to be fingered before? To get him slick with lube beforehand? He had not a clue what his husband's thought process could have been.

None. But they could all be possibilities and they all left him f*cking hot. His dick then twitched in the black-haired man’s hand as he rubbed at him playfully. Curling his fingers in for that firm press as he slid the pads of his fingers up and down, up and down, up and down. Swirling in another of those hard, slow circles to get his hole twitching beneath his fingers. A whimper leaving his husband when he giddily parted his lips to trace the tip of his tongue along his lower lip. Admiring the fullness of Shouta's lip with a whine.

He then traced the black-haired man's full top lip when he felt them parting against his. He moved his tongue in an over-eager rush that had his piercing hitting off of his teeth, but it didn’t matter.Not one bit for Shouta’s tongue was coming forward to meet his with a playful flick before rubbing against his. Nudging at his piercing with another playful flick as he rubbed his tongue to his husband’s as full lips crushed themselves in a firm press to his. Humming when his husband’s tongue swirled around his piercing.

Nudging at it once again before sliding against his. Rubbing firmly to his own as he swirled a few more of those tight, firm circles over his husband. Moaning out with that note of impatience as racing breaths fanned over his cheek. A shallow, wavering panting rhythm to match his own as he massaged his tongue to the black-haired man’s who rubbed back in slides that had him melting. Burning hot, hot, hot with each lazy stroke that had knuckles rubbing over his stomach lightly as his dick twitched excitedly.

He felt a light prick on his forehead when his husband whimpered before shaking his hips in that tight, cagey movement. Blood gushed down then slowly; agonizingly slow in its rush down to his twitching dick when his husband squeezed tightly at him. A pressure that had him moaning out as he pressed his fingers against his husband. Could he get too in in one go? Like the night when they’d been playing with the nipple toys? Would he be able too with all the prep work Shouta did tonight? Could it be that simple?

It had him moaning out at the thought as he twisted his tongue with his husband’s. Rubbing, flicking, twisting it as the black-haired man began to stroke him faster. Humming with that delight as he began to harden in his grasp when he shifted his fingers up. Pressing the tips against him as he rolled them over the rim of his twitching hole when his husband whined at him. He then felt the hand holding his twitching, hardening dick let go with hips lowering down towards him much to his giddy delightwith a gasp.

And f*ck if it didn’t have him moaning out at the familiar touch of his husband’s twitching dick against his own. The hand wrapping around them both to squish them together had shivers racing down his back. Ohhhh, his husband seemed to be doing it more often and it only influenced the idea that the black-haired man adored his piercings. The rub of them and how could he not? He shuddered when he pressed his fingers at that twitching hole when his husband held his breath. Pushing, pushing, pushing at him.

And as hips arched back to press against his fingers, it was all the pressure that was needed before both of his fingers were sinking effortlessly into his husband. Moaning in unison with the black-haired man at the slick slide of his fingers slipping into him. Had his husband really prepped himself again in the shower? Is that what he’d meant when he asked for a few extra moments in there on his own while he dried his hair? Oh, he didn’t mind it either way when his husband clamped down tightly around his fingers tightly.

A strength that had him moaning at his husband who whimpered when he rubbed the pads of his fingers against that velvety inner wall giddily. Curling his fingers in to give him that firm press to get his husband squirming against him as his hand began to move again. Stroking them together as he hardened had his hips twitching up with a shudder racing down his back. Twisting and rubbing his tongue to Shouta’s who answered in kind with an over eager movement that had his tongue scraping along the edge of his teeth.

He had not a problem with it when he rubbed tight circles into that quivering inner wall. Curling his fingers in with a pressure that had muscles trembling before clamping down around his fingers tight, tight, tight.God, what was it going to feel like? To be inside of his husband with his new piercings? To be skin to skin like that? A shiver raced down his back as Shouta stroked them together with fingers squeezing tightly before coming up in a lazy curve where the black-haired man palmed at them together.

Fingers rolling with his palm in a soothing manner to get him moaning as he rolled circles into that trembling inner wall. It was hot, hot, hot thinking of how it was going to feel for both him and Shouta. From what he read online about any genital piercing that it was supposed to make sex better. That it gave more pleasure for both the recipient and owner of said pierced genitalia. And he was f*cking eager at the thought of getting inside of his husband that way. His doctor had cleared it but insisted on cautious.

He’d been told to look for the usual tell tales or sign that it was painful or too much. To keep an eye on himself just as he would in the beginning when he first started up his sex life. He was all too curious and excited about what it was going to feel like when he was inside of him without a condom. He’d had ideas of what it’d feel like with the condom on but f*ck if it didn’t have him squirming with his hips thrusting up weakly into Shouta’s hand. He rubbed himself shamelessly to the black-haired man’s twitching dick.

Shuddering when he felt as it began to harden against his own with a volley of twitches. A moan burst out of the black-haired man when he then spread his fingers out curiously. And f*ck, if it didn’t have heat ripping down his back at the silent confirmation that he’d been right. His husband, no matter how little or how dedicated, had done some prep work on himself. Spreading his fingers out to push at trembling inner walls that struggled to bring his fingers together when he spread them out again, again, again.

A relentless back to back spread that had his husband moaning into thier kiss as his tongue rubbed against his. Over eager twists and flicks that he was more than happy to give to his husband when full lips pulled away with a gasp being taken by the both of them to break up shallow pants. Fast. And then full lips were coming down on his again with urgent slides he answered in kind with when he felt hips arching back. He pulled his fingers back slightly before thrusting them back in. A slick squelch rang out with the action.

And he giddily pulled them back again only to thrust the in shallowly. Rubbing at the quivering inner walls in firm presses that had his husband moaning with hips twitching when he settled into the familiarity of his shallow thrusts as slick squelches rang out. Deafening over the music. Melting in with the smack of damp lips moving against his with that lustful hunger that he returned without a thought. God, he could eat this man from head to toe and still want more. Still needed him with such fervent intensity it left him aching.

His erection filled out fully with drips of pre-come dripping onto his stomach when Shouta couldn’t rub them away in time. Stroking them together when he ground himself against that twitching, hardening erection. Panting unevenly through his nose as pants fanned over his hot cheek when a whimper left his husband when he spread his fingers out. They’d been so damn busy the past month that he felt it was a downright shame he hadn’t spent more time with him. Sex lately had felt unbelievably rushed.

More like quickies than proper sex together and he could understand where his husband’s frustration had been coming from. Why he was so irritated when their sexual encounters left them both starved for more. For something meaningful. Where it didn’t feel rushed because of an unseen clock and schedule weighing them down. Worrying that the other would be taking off as soon as they were done. Moving his lips with his husband’s, he could understand the urgency in the way they moved against his.

The strokes of that hand speeding up to follow along with his own quick shallow thrusts of his fingers. Thrusting his fingers into that tight clench had him burning up, up, up with each rub he gave over contracting inner walls when his husband shuddered. f*ck, he loves it. Loves that now they had the time to truly appreciate the other; the time to relish in that heat together without it being lost in a haze of grabbing hands. Of pounding hips nod desperate voices raising higher that inevitably ended in the other running off.

Spreading out his fingers, he moved his lips with Shouta’s as he returned that hungry lust with his own boiling desire. The sharp smack of moving lips ringing out deafeningly when he thrusted up into his husband’s hand with a moan. Grinding himself shamelessly against the black-haired man’s twitching erection as he thrusted up into his hand again. And again. Again, again, again as his husband moaned encouragingly at him when he ground his throbbing erection to Shouta who ground his hips forward to return that grind.

That rub. Thrusting his fingers faster, faster, faster into his husband with spread pushing out at the spasming inner walls had his husband twisting and squirming. Utterly restless up above him as huffing pants fanned over his uncomfortably hot cheek as sweat again pricked at his forehead. Along his back and the nape of his neck as he squirmed before thrusting up again into that stroking hand. Moaning out at the rub at his piercings it gave him when his husband shuddered against him as he giddily thrusted his fingers.

Rubbing at quivering inner walls before spreading his fingers out to push at them with a whimper flying out of Shouta when his jerked back. What would it feel like? To be inside of his husband skin to skin? Would it feel as pleasurable as it does now? Or would it be as hot as it felt around his fingers? Tight? Would his husband feel his piercings if he clenched up that tight? God, it had him squirming and thrusting with a whimper of his own at the thought. Shuddering when those inner walls clenched tightly around his thrusting fingers.

He spread them out relentlessly as he rubbed and ground his erection to the black-haired man's with a moan.Throbbing, twitching, dripping. An absolute mess that had his husband’s fingers sliding slickly over the both of them when he felt Shouta’s hips jerking before thrusting forward in a slick slide against him. Grinding as his erection twitched with moans spilling out of the both of them in unison. Lips crushed themselves in that hard, desperate kiss when another keening moan left his husband when he gave a sharp thrust.

He rubbed his fingers against trembling inner walls when he spread his fingers out once, twice, three times more with a shudder. His husband really did most of the work, didn’t he? He made sure and went beyond just to make sure he was clean. That he was ready for him. It had him shuddering when he thrusted his fingers into his husband in sharp thrusts that had the man moaning when Shouta was breaking away from the kiss with a gasp. And God, the sight of that blush smothering itself over his husband’s face had him shuddering.

The sight of a swell forming on those full lips as black lashes trembled on red cheeks before lifting up. The lust blazing in that gaze had his stomach flipping when he felt the bed wobbling lightly as his husband rocked on his knees to meet his thrusting fingers only to come forward. Thrusting into his hand when he squeezed at the hold he had on his husband’s ass before letting go to slide his hand up his back causing it to arch. Wild black locks brushed at his cheeks as that blush smothered itself down to his collar bones.

His husband’s leaned in then to press a kiss to his chin in a caste kiss when he spread his fingers out tearing a moan out of his husband when he squirmed against him. His husband was a work of f*cking art. So unbelievably, unfairly beautiful. Then Shouta was pulling back with hips rocking forward to grind their erections together sending a burst of heat down his back. It had his hips jumping up to thrust up into that stroking hand with a moan when his husband whimpered at him. A shrill keening sound that had him shuddering.

“Fu-f*ck me? f*ck me, Zashi, please? Ma-Make us feel so goood? Please, please? I need you! Need yo-you inside so bad! Please, f*ck me? Gimme it?” Wheezing. Breathless. God, it sent shivers down his back to hear his husband's deep voice come out so breathlessly as he begged so shamelessly. It heatraking under his skin when his husband squirmed. "Please? I need you so f*cking bad, Zashi! I-I want you to fu-fff*ck me so goood tonight! Ma-Make me take your co*ck all night 'til my legs are sha-shaking!"

“God, you re-really need it that bad? So bad you’ll be so sh-shamelessly for it?” Another crackling whimper left his husband as hips rocked forward in another grind before jerking backwards to meet a thrust of his fingers. Nodding at him with full lips parting slightly called attention to their swelling when he groaned. “Yo-You want my co*ck that bad? Ne-Need it in you that badly? Wh-Why should a pretty thing like you beg for my co-co*ck, hm? Are you no-not entitled to it?”

A flicker of heat burst in that gaze when his husband let out a shuddering breath with that hand moving faster, faster, faster to stroke them together. Following the speed of his thrusting fingers as his own pants came shakily when Shouta whimpered. “Th-That’s a trick question and you know it! Pl-Please, Zashi, just gimme it! I-I wanna feel you in me! Wa-Wanna feel your piercings rubbin’ at me so good! Please? Le-Let me have it? Fi-Fill me up with that big f*cking co*ck of yours? f*ck my brains out to-tonight? Please?”

“Well, wh-when you ask so sweetly, how can I-I possibly say no?” The hand stroking them stuttered when he stretched his fingers out to push at trembling inner walls when he met that blazing gaze of his husband’s. “Mi-Might as well give this gre-greedy hole what it wants, yeah? I be-bet you got yourself re-ready so I wouldn’t have to, didn’t you? Is-Is that why you stayed in the shower? To get yourself ready for me? To-Touched yourself like the naughty, sexy thi-thing you are?”

A groan flew out of Shouta when he reached down for the lube again when his husband’s hand squeezed them tightly together before letting go of them. He drizzled a palmful of lube into his palm before handing it off to his husband as he then reached down. Wrapping his fingers around himself, he began to spread the lube over himself in a slick layer. The wet, squelch sound had him shuddering when his husband squirmed before squeezing a dollop onto his fingers before reaching back out of sight.

No doubt putting an additional layer over himself with a slick squelch. Hot, hot, hot. His erection throbbed beneath his fingers and palm as he curved his hand over himself. Making sure to coat himself in a decent layer of lube that dripped over his fingers when his husband then shifted backwards to lay backwards with legs spreading wide, wide, wide. Thighs falling open with muscles jumping as Shouta leaned back on his elbows with hands snaking beneath him to grab and then spread himself open.

And ohhh, that was by far the hottest f*cking sight tonight. The sight of his husband holding himself open with his skin glistening with lube from their fingers. It was a shameless display that had him burning when he caught the twitch of his husband’s hole. A whine burst out of the man with hips rising up slightly with lube dripping off to the bed when he swallowed before shifting forward. They’d talked previously about a new position tonight, something easy call the deck chair position if he remembered right.

It required him to place his hands beneath both of Shouta’s knees and to the bed to balance on his hands and knees. A complicated but interesting one that he’d looked over with Shouta who had nodded his approval before they’d jumped into the shower. It was so interesting looking up the different positions they could try together. Just as exciting as the kinks or scenarios they found themselves in. It was exciting to learn something new with his all too eager husband. It had him all too happy as he crawled forward.

As he did so, he pressed his arms behind his husband’s knees. Leaning forward onto his hands and knees with Shouta’s legs curling up into the air when he then leaned onto his right hand. Reaching down to grab his slick erection as Shouta tugged at himself to hold open wide. Shaking, trembling pants taken by the both of them when he looked down with a swallow as he arched his hips forward to rub himself against Shouta. Loving the shudder that he saw running over his husband with a whine leaving the man.

Black lashes trembling in that half lowered position with kiss swollen lips parting ever so slightly.Black locks slithering backwards over his husband’s shoulders with a few curls brushing against red cheeks. Brows squeezed together with their light twitching as that deep red blush smothered itself over his cheeks was beautiful. And God, rubbing himself against his husband had whines breaking out of the man. A whimper when he slid himself idly over that twitching hole. Grinding slickly against him delightedly.

Taking the time to slow with purposeful drags over the rim that had Shouta’s toes curling with lashes fluttering in a blink with the right squinting ever so slightly. Dark eyes locking up onto him with another reedy sound leaving him with that note of impatience to it. It triggered his own impatient whimper as he rubbed himself against Shouta with those purposeful drags of his piercings over his twitching hole. Slick slides with the excess lube no doubt dripping to the bed as tiny droplets streaked over his fingers.

He’d have to strip the comforter and grab the spare one when they were done. Grinding himself against the black-haired man’s twitching hole delightedly as rasping pants were taken between the both of them with each grinding slide he gave to his husband. It had legs shaking lightly with squirms as his husband whimpered when he paused in his rubs to grind his erection against slick skin before pulling his hips backwards to press the head of his erection against him. This was it. This is where he needed to be observant.

To watch for pain, discomfort or a tearing tug on his piercings the second he got in. Watch for bleeding. The second he was done he needed to have wipes on hand then flush out his piercings with the saline mix. Sterilize them once they were done for no matter how clean he was and Shouta was, it was still anal. It was still something that could give him the chance of an infection. Nudging playfully at his husband who whimpered again at him, he swallowed down a whine of his own as he clenched his jaw to muffle it.

He loves this man. Loves, loves, loves his husband. Pushing forward with legs wriggling by his shoulders he pushed insistently at his husband’s twitching hole. Firm, firm, firm pressure that quickly rewarded him when he sucked in a sharp breath that broke up his pants. And- And ohhh, if it didn’t have him moaning down at his husband enthusiastically who cried out with that unmistakable delight. He sank forward slowly, slowly, slowly into that tight clenching heat that squeezed around him desperately.

Hot. Tight. It could make a man drool as he slipped into him slickly only to slow down when he hit his first piercing. Slowly easing himself in with a rub that had his husband moaning at him with hands flying up to grab at his shoulders with nails raking over him. Shivers. It had heat racing down his back at the burning lines left behind from his husband’s nails. Easing his second piercing into his husband, he slid his hand down towards the base when he pushed forward with the third slipping into the black-haired man.

He then placed that hand down which had both arms pressing against the backs of Shouta’s thighs and knees keeping them up. Sinking the final inches into his husband, he ground his hips forward to grind tightly against his husband. It had hips wriggling beneath him to join in that grinding rhythm with a moan bursting out of his husband. Another encouraging pitch that rang with such delight as he moaned back at him. Hot, hot, hot. Tight, tight, tight. And much to his delight he didn't feel a drop of pain.

Of discomfort. Not one bit of it but f*ck if he wasn't burning up already. If he didn’t feel like he was being lit aflame with each tight grind against his husband. The inner walls that spasmed before clenching around him so f*cking tight it threatened to wring him of all his thoughts. So hot, so hot, so hot. So f*cking hot. God, his husband spent f*ck knows all on preparing himself and his own stretches at those inner walls, yet he was still so damn tight.It could make him drool at the pleasure that had him moaning.

Clenching around him in spasming pulls that mimicked a throb to get his hips twitching against his husband. Grinding desperately together as legs squirmed against his arms with their light shake. Nails digging into the burning lines left behind on his shoulders as his husband whimpered with hips grinding against his pelvis as inner walls clenched tightly around him. Squeezing him for all their worth it seemed as if he clutched at the blankets. Leaning onto his hands which forced his husband's legs to stay up.

Feet dangling on either side of him squirmed in their position when he let his gaze move over the black-haired man. Taking in the sight of his twitching erection dripping shamelessly onto the dark hair of his happy trail leaving a runny, glistening slick patch on his lower stomach. Was he more excited than he let on? Was his husband more turned on than he had initially made it seem before this? He had not a clue. None. But f*ck him, he was meltingagainst his husband when inner walls contracted around him again.

Everything tonight was the absolute pinnacle of what he missed about having time with his husband. Five busy weeks had kept them from this coy, cat and mouse game together. The heat from Shouta’s confidence always left him far more turned on than he’d hoped.Grinding against Shouta with tight circles, the slick squelches ringing out were wet. A stark difference to the squelches that came from lube and a condom rubbing together. It sent shivers racing up his back with that heatrakingunder his skin.

Leaving him flushed a his hair slithered over his shoulders to dangle over his husband's flushed skin.In their weeks of quickies and fast sex, he’d missed the time it too to appreciate his husband’s beauty in moments like these. In the pleasure it had pooling into his stomach with that aching intensity. A pressure that weighed his stomach down as he ground himself against his husband in tight circles when he swallowed a whimper down when inner walls clenched tightly around him. Squeezing so f*cking good it had him whining.

Gave him a pleasure that threatened to make him drool. Shouta squirmed and twisted beneath him with fingers flexing out only to rake nails over his shoulders again with a tug as he whimpered. A keening sound ripping out of the black-haired man that had a rush of heat inspiring him to pull his hips back then forward in a shallow thrust. A slick, wet squelch ringing out from the action when his husband let out another of those encouraging whimpers. Breathy. It had him eagerly pulling his hips backwards again.

Coming forward in a snapping thrust with another wet squelch ringing out.The light slap of their skin meeting had his ragged panting hitching when inner walls clamped tightly around him. f*cking hell, if it didn’t light a fueled in his stomach like nothing else as he pulled his hips back then forward in a shallow thrust. Again. And again. Again, again, again. He fell into that usual routine of his shallow thrusts as his husband squirmed beneath him with hands clutching at his shoulders with a light tremble to them.

An encouraging, trembling moan flying out of the black-haired man. It had him groaning delightedly as he thrusted shallowly into his husband; doing his best to keep the slides even in their depth and God it was melting him. The heat of his husband was soaking through into him leaving him a shaking puddle. Ready to mold himself into whatever Shouta needed from him tonight. Falling into the rhythm of his shallow thrusts, he felt hips squirming beneath him as his husband moaned out with hands yanking at his shoulders.

As if coaxing him to come down to which he happily obliged as he slid his arms up to press against his husband’s legs. Coaxing them up further as he leaned down to catch those full lips in a smoldering kiss. Burning as he listened to pants being taken through noses that fanned onto hot cheeks. The wet slick sounds of his shallow thrusts ringing out to fill the silence that the soft music couldn’t. The light slap of their skin meeting that rang out intermittently with his shallow thrusts as Shouta's pants trembled beneath him.

The rustle of the blanket as his husband squirmed beneath him with keening whines and whimpers leaving him. The smack of their moving, brushing lips in that passionate kiss. It had his heart pounding sickeningly against his chest as he kept his thrusts even. Never coming forward harder than need be. Never faster than need be but just enough to give his husband that satisfaction. Nails dug into his shoulders as he kept up his shallow thrusts with their slick slides that had his toes curling tightly.

Had his husband whimpering and moaning breathlessly when a moan of his own flew out of him when the black-haired man clenched tightly around him. Sliding his lips against those plush full ones with all the hunger he held. The passion he had, the desire, and thelusthe had raking beneath his skin with clawing nails.Everything he felt for this man to create a kiss meant to sizzle the other up. A kiss meant to stoke the head that had his hands shaking lightly as they clutched fervently on his fistfuls of comforter.

Moaning when those emotions were returned to him without a moment of hesitation but his husband as legs squirmed in their upwards push as he kept up those shallow thrusting speed. Quick. Urgency shining through as he kept them shallow to avoid any piercings popping out yet. But God if it didn’t give pleasure all the same in his shallow thrusts. Feeling his husband’s hips wiggling beneath him as the comforter rustled beneath them with fingers twisting into his hair. Ragged pants fanning over his uncomfortably hot cheek.

And he focused on keeping his snapping thrusts gentle with his hits against his husband.Quick, quick, quick. It was impossible to think of going slow when he’d been thinking about this since he’d put Eri to bed. That morning in fact. The day before. He panted raggedly as he kept up that quick, shallow speed as inner walls clenched down tightly around him tearing a moan out of him. So f*cking tight. Hot. It had sweat pricking at his back and the nape of his neck. His forehead and cheeks. He was so f*cking hot.

They didn’t have unprotected sex often but when they did? Oh, it left its lasting impact. While it wasn’t common, he loves it when he got to be skin to skin like this with him. When the condom was gone allowing to truly feel how f*cking soft his husband’s inner walls were. How his hole clenched so tightly around him it felt hard to pull back in his shallow thrusts. The heat of him. How soft he was yet the muscles that clenched around him being so strong. It was something he absolutely adored and if he had it his way?

He'd love nothing more than to have bareback sex more often. But his husband wasn’t comfortable with it; his preference remaining with condoms even if there was no fear of STD’s between them. It was simply what his husband wanted, and he’d rather die than disrespect this man that way. Not when his husband meant more to him than this type of sex. And yet the way his husband was huffing his pants in, twisting and squirming beneath him he knew that he adored it too. That his husband was eating itup.

What did it feel like? To have piercings rubbing against his inner walls like that? There was a vibration of Shouta’s phone rang out then with a notification but they happily ignored it. At least it wasn’t a text or God forbid a call. Legs squirmed in their positions when hands tightened on his shoulders as he crushed his lips to those full ones giddily. Hard, passionate kisses that devoured him whole without the need of opening mouths or parting lips. A passionate kiss that could knock him off of his feet any damn time.

Hair slithered over his shoulders as he kept up his shallow thrusts when he found himself in a rhythm that came effortlessly. Shallow, shallow, shallow. Rapid thrusts that had his husband moaning out as that wet, slick sound rang out to fill the quiet under that music. Something soft. Sweet. It had his toes curling as he clutched at his fistfuls of comforter as he panted through his nose with Shouta clutching fiercely at him. As if he was going to disappear. Rush off now. Nothing could pull him away from the moment.

Nothing could hope to tear him away. Not a damn thing. The light slapping of thier skin became a rhythmic, comforting sound in the bedroom as he broke away from the kiss with full lips pressing to his jaw in a clumsy kiss. Ragged panting ringing out deafeningly when he felt lips crawling down to his throat. It was there that full lips pecked at the fluttering pulse point beneath his jaw before biting down. Sucking firmly at the spot tearing a deafening moan out of him when hips wriggled beneath him again.

No doubt it as frustrating for his husband who always liked to help set the pace and rhythm. He valued this man’s orders better than anything during sex. If Shouta wanted harder then he got harder. If Shouta wanted faster then he got faster. If Shouta wanted him to pound his ass into the bed and f*ck his brains out? Well then that’s exactly what his husband would get from him. Hips wriggled beneath him again to which he took a gasping breath before pulling his hips back further. Lengthening his pull back.

He then thrusted forward had the black-haired man moaning with such blatant delight. A sound that had shivers racing down his back at the sound as it was clearly what his husband wanted. Hard sucks were given to the spot his husband was latched onto as teeth dug into him sending a throbbing pain over his skin. It had him moaning back as he giddily used that new lengthened draw back before snapping his hips forward. Using more strength when he flew forward creating a slap of their meeting skin.

A rhythmic slapping that had the black-haired man moaning into his spot with fingers tightening in his hair to yank. Pain sparked down his back with a rush of heat beneath his feverish skin as he whimpered. The sound tore out of him in a deafening, ear ringing pitch that had pain jolting through his ears at the feedback. It had his husband twitching beneath him when he strangled it down as he giddily yanked his hips back further with that budding confidence as he kept them away from that shallow depth.

He could feel a bead of sweat streak down the side of his uncomfortably hot face when he flew forward. The sharp hit of his hips at Shouta had the man whining when he lifted away from his spot before moving lower where teeth then dug into him viciously. A hard bite that had pain shrieking over his throat and neck when his husband then began sucking at him in hard pulls. The quiet sucking of his husband’s mouth pulling at him was deafening when he felt the swirl of Shouta’s tongue against his skin.

Hips wriggling as if to meet his thrusts as he found himself confidently sinking into his new rhythm. His new pull back that had him happily flying past that shallow depth. Coming forward harder with the sharp slap of his skin meeting Shouta’s ringing out like a shot of sound each time his hips came snapping forward. The heat of him threatening to melt him through. Melt him into a damn puddle by the time they were done here as he panted with black wisps of hair rustling from his breaths from what he noticed.

God, he was burning, burning, burning up. Sizzling in his own skin with each thrust into that tight heat that pulled at him in throbs that had his hands shaking. His toes curling as his knees dug into the mattress to aid his thrusts into Shouta. The vanilla scents of his soaps wafting off of his hair with each heaving gasp he took and the quieter scents of the lube they used. It had him boiling as he thrusted into his husband with light nudges over the blanket causing the blanket with a quiet rustle beneath them.

He couldn’t get enough of this man. Seventeen years they’d be spending together, and he simply couldn’t get enough of the black-haired man. He was always hungry for more, more, more. Eager for the next time his husband was straddling him with hips rising up and down as he bounced himself on his dick. f*cking himself on him like he was little more than a toy to get off with. Or the sweet, tender lovemaking they shared that often reduced his husband to howling sobs and shouts of his love ringing in the room.

Two sides of the coin he got to live and have; it left him feeling greedy as the lust twisted into him with a sharp clawing heat that had him whimpering when Shouta clenched around him. Hands clutched at his hair when his husband lifted his mouth from his spot with a gasp. Shuddering when he felt his tongue lapping over the indentations left behind with a whimper. And then his husband was nipping at his Adam’s apple where he then dipped down to bite at the skin below it. Teeth digging in the spot to get him groaning.

Harsh sucks being given to kickstart the suction that had him groaning at the sparks of pleasure it sent down to his stomach. A knotted pressure that twisted like magma in his lower stomach as he panted raggedly with the wet squelches of his thrusts ringing out as he yanked his hips back giddily. Hot, hot, hot. He was so f*cking hot. Shouta was burning away any coherent thought in his damn head when he squeezed at the fistfuls of his blanket. Leaning on his hands with knees digging into the mattress.

Throwing himself into his thrusting that had his husband whimpering and twisting beneath him. Squirming with nails dragging over his shoulders leaving burning lines behind when he moaned in that keening pitch at his husband. He could get off just like this. He didn’t need that pounding rhythm to do so but God knows there’s nothing he loves more than it. To pound at his husband until he was wailing and twisting beneath him with hands holding on tightly. But this? Ohhh, this was f*cking amazing.

His thrusts that showed that desperation as he thrusted into that strangling heat that gripped him so f*cking good. The wet, slick squelches of his thrusting as he clung onto the blankets with legs shaking and squirming against his arms as he thrusted giddily into his husband was f*cking perfect. The muffled moans and whimpers fanning into his throat while his husband worked his hickey’s into it had him burning up. Had him absolutely sizzling in his skin as he yanked his hips back at that new depth.

Flying forward with a snapping thrust that earned him another of those delighted, ecstatic moans from Shouta. Muffled as teeth dug into their spot with the harsh suction to get him shuddering when he twisted down to press himself tightly to shoulders as hands yanked at his hair. Sparks of pain burst over his scalp sending heat racing down his back when he yanked his hips back had him squirming. Restless. Ohhhh, his husband was so f*cking good. The best he’d ever f*cking have and ever will. No one could compare.

He may have had a few drunken hookups during that period when they’d separated it in college. A few flings that had done nothing but made it clear that nothing and no one was better than Shouta. No one could be. Yanking his hips back further, he hissed in when he felt a piercing of his pop out to rub over the rim of his husband’s hole before he thrusted forward carefully. And God, if that didn’t get Shouta’s mouth to release his hold as he threw his head back with a moan that trembled up in volume.

Hands clutching at him with hips squirming desperately beneath him with a restless yank on his hair. Swallowing, he pulled back at that same, unintentional depth allowing his piercing to rub out then in as he thrusted forward. Ohhhh, if that didn’t have him moaning at the clench as his husband whimpered beneath him. If it didn’t have his husband’s hips arching upwards as his head lifted from the bed to flutter lips over his tattooed collar bone. He couldn’t deny it was a bit of a turn on for him to see his husband’s name tattooed on him.

Of course, when he went to work, he made sure to cover it up and to wear non-transferable coverage just on the off chance it could be revealed but it was f*cking hot. Just as hot as seeing his own name tattooed on his husband’s hip. Balancing on his hands as he pulled his hips back at that new depth then back in had his husband moaning shrilly at him with hands tightening in his hair. Teeth bit down at the end of that tattoo with hard sucks being given. God, the sensitivity to it had him whimpering shrilly at his husband.

He then pulled his hips back only to snap forward. Never coming forward harder than necessary as inner walls clenched around him tightly. Choking his erection with a strength that threatened to melt him into the bed. The heat of his husband’s hole had him diving forward again, again, again on that compulsion. The screaming voice demanding he bury himself in that tight heat the second even an inch of him was slipping out of Shouta. It had him burning up to have that heat wrapped around his aching erection.

Panting raggedly, desperately, for a breath to help sooth his itching lungs as he snapped his hips forward. Shuddering when his husband’s teeth sank fiercely into his spot with that harsh suckling joining the fray of louder sounds. Snapping his hips back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in thrusts that rang out with their wet squelches. Hot, hot, hot. Tight, tight, tight. He could feel a small drop of sweat running down the side of his face as he dug his knees into the bed to help aid his thrusts.

A stability as his hands clutched at the comforter with legs shaking against his upper arms and hips squirming with that desire to move. He knew his husband liked to move with him and that positions like these just made it all the more pleasurable in that frustrating way. Ohhh, he knew if he had the air that he’d be babbling at his husband. Slurring out those vulgar, dirty words that always got the black-haired man off. A call and response he always indulged in during sex, but he simply didn’t have the focus.

The air for that babbled dirty talk. It had his heart jumping against his chest in savage, pounding beats that had him gasping as he sped up. Changing the speed of his thrusts that had a light tug on that first piercing, but he wasn’t experiencing any pain. Nothing. It left him budding with that confidence as he snapped his hips forward to hit against his husband. No pounding. Nothing hard like they normally would. He had to keep his caution but as he thrusted into that squeezing heat as his husband moaned into his chest?

The whines and whimpers he caught leaving Shouta? It had heat snapping up his back as confidently tugged his hips back only to thrust forward. The slick rub of those soft inner walls wrapped around him had his stomach fluttering. Pooling with that pleasure as he let himself fly back then forward to dive into the strangling heat that squeezed him so goddamn good. Oh, oh, it’s what he loves the most when they had unprotected sex. When they were barebacking it like this it allowed him to properly feel all the spasms and clenches.

The smaller twitches that went unnoticed with the condom. It didn’t really matter, he knew that, yet he was fascinated at that heat soaking into him. The pleasure coiling into him as he snapped his hips forward. Condom or no condom, he was over the f*cking moon to be having sex with his husband tonight. Any chance was a chance he wanted to take. And with their anniversary a week away? It was all too exciting. He huffed as he felt Shouta’s mouth lifting up before moving over to place another hickey around his tattoo.

Littering his throat and chest in hickey’s was his f*cking favorite during sex with his husband. God, he could let this man litter him in any marks he wanted if it got him off during sex. Snapping his hips forward again, again, again into his husband when he pulled his hips back to change the angle. When he snapped forward it had the black-haired man jolting as if he’d been electrocuted. A cry cutting off that suction when he yanked his hips back, back, back until he felt that second piercing slipping out.

Snapping his hips forward had Shouta’s cry ripping up. A shrill sound as arms tightened around his shoulders as his head threw itself back to the bed. And he happily took his chance to press kisses to the length of that pale throat. Loving the squeeze of arms around his shoulder as hands tightened in his hair when he snapped his hips forward. Again, again, again. Diving into the heat that was slowly but steadily driving him insane. Kissing at his husband’s throat, up beneath his jaw, he nipped playfully at his Adam’s Apple.

Loving the whine, it got him from the black-haired man. Nuzzling, nipping, kissing. Insatiable. He sped up his snapping thrusts as he listened to the slick, wet squelch of the lube ringing out. The huffing, uneven pants taken by the both of them. The slap of their skin meeting as his husband jolted and jerked beneath him with his thrusts. Hitting at his prostate earning himself keening, drawn out moans from the man as he twisted in his hold. Legs trembling lightly against his arms with the blanket rustling beneath them.

The quiet creak of a spring in their mattress beneath them.Ohhhhh, it was agonizing but he could come from this alone. While he also loved that jagged pounding rhythm there was something about the slow buildup of this that had him excited. Unfairly excited. As if he was dancing along the line of a brutal f*cking and lovemaking; something urgent yet still tender as he thrusted into his husband. Gasping into that pale throat, nails raked over his scalp as he kept his thrusts even as he possibly could.

Shuddering when his two piercings continued rubbing on their in and out, in and out, in and out sending sparks of heat racing up his own back. It had him moaning then when his husband gave a purposeful squeeze around him. He squirmed against his husband when he felt a hand twist out of his hair to come down to his elbow to squeeze at him. Panting into the small pocket he’d made in his husband’s throat when he felt fingers touching the back of his hand. And he happily untwisted his fingers from their hold on the comforter.

Lifting it from the bed to weave his fingers between Shouta’s where he then planted their hands down to keep his husband’s leg lifted up. Squeezing at Shouta’s hand when he got a squeeze that allowed fingers to dig into the back of his hand. Thrusting into him again, again, again as he panted before littering his kisses down to his husband’s heaving chest. Kissing at a hardened nipple that he covered with his mouth without a second thought when he snapped his hips forward to hit against him.

The slap of their meeting skin had him shuddering at the pleasure it sent pooling into his stomach relentlessly. A pressure twisted into his stomach to get him aching. Ohhhh, ohhh, he couldn’t stand it with that tight squeeze wrapped around him as he snapped his hips back and forth. The spark fluttering through him to rest lowly in his stomach with the flutters of an org*sm. He sucked at his husband’s nipple firmly with a drag of his teeth over his areola before coming together to nibble at the hardened nipple.

Swirling his tongue against it had his husband whining up above him with the remaining hand in his hair tightening it’s hold. Nails dragging over his scalp when his husband threw his head back as his chest arched up with a shrill cry flying out of him. It had heat raking down his back as he snapped his hips forward sharply in that all too familiar rhythm of his. Nudging his husband lightly beneath him with hips squirming beneath him as ragged pants were taken by the both of them. Sucking at his nipple with a swirl of his tongue.

Snapping his hips giddily as he dove into that tight heat. Mimicking the throbbing of his erection it had him moaning into his husband’s chest. A deafening burst of volume that had their lampshades rattling as he felt hips wriggling beneath him. The hand in his squeezing tightly when he felt hips arching up to thrust into the tight space between their stomachs. It had that spark in his stomach twisting sharply as he dove into that contracting heat. Squeezing him so f*cking good it had him burning, burning, burning.

Blistering. So hot as sweat formed along his hairline only to slip down his cheeks. His forehead allowing blonde locks to cling onto it. Again, he felt that irony that their shower to get clean had meant nothing with the ending of this. But God, it had him burning up when he realized he had to change the position. Had to if he wanted to make it easier on himself. Groaning at the thought, he paused his thrusts that had a cry leaving the black-haired man. Ringing with that protest when he slid his hips back to slip out of him with a vulgar squelch.

“No! No, no, please! Do-Don’t pull out now! Th-That’s a f*ckin’ tease and you know it! God, I-I want you to keep fu-fff*cking me! Put it back in, please! It's not fa-fair!” Oh, the slurred groan of his husband’s protesting shout had him shuddering when the black-haired man squirmed and twisted beneath him with legs shaking against his thighs squirmed. “Please! God, yo-you’re going to dr-drive me f*ckin’ crazy if you do-don’t put it back in! Please, Zashi!”

“I-I need you to flip for me, baby! Le-Let me f*ck you from behind? It-It'll make it easier for it!” A shudder ran over his husband when he then let go of Shouta’s hand to sit back on his heels with his husband whimpering as his legs came down with feet pressing to the bed. Sliding his hands over shins, he then grabbed at his husband’s left leg when he then grinned at the hissing breath. “Co-Come on, flip for me and raise that ti -tight ass of yours up for me? Let’s finish this together, yeah?”

Oh, there was a desperation in that blistering gaze when Shouta gasped in a breath before moving quickly. His feet hitting at his thigh briefly, but his husband was flipping over quickly with knees spreading over the bed with hands reaching back. Tugging himself open again while he shuffled forward with a groan when he caught the twitch of Shouta’s hole. Glistening slickly in the low lighting of the bedroom like a damn siren call that had his erection twitching. Had that heatrushingin a clawing wave under his skin.

It had his erection throbbing slickly against his stomach when he grabbed at himself to pull it away from his stomach. Hips leaned backwards when he arched his hips forward to press the head of his erection against that twitching hole. And he pushed ever so slightly only to groan as he sank into the black-haired man effortlessly. Slickly. It had his husband moaning out with such delight as when he felt hips arching backwards slowly to meet him half when he slowed considerably to ease his piercings into him.

Loving the shudder it got him when the final inches of himself sank into his husband as he bottomed out again. Planting his hands forward, away from his husband’s hair to keep from pushing on it. Grinding himself in tight circles, he shuddered when he felt Shouta moving with him when hips swung forward as he pulled his back carefully at that same depth from moments ago. Two piercings slipping out when he snapped forward with his husband moving with him to snap back against his pelvis with a solid hit.

The slap resulting from their movements had him moaning out as he shuddered. And he happily threw himself back into his pace, his rhythm, as before when he felt the black-haired man moving along with him. Hesitant. He moaned when inner walls spasmed around him when he adjusted the angle of his hips only to snap forward tearing a cry out of his husband. A shrill, trembling sound when hips snapped back to hit at his pelvis tearing a throaty groan out of him when he twisted his fingers into the blanket.

And he happily resumed that snapping rhythm. Dancing along that line again of not quite brutal nor lovemaking. God, it was a line he never thought he’d see himself on, but he f*cking loves it with each hard swing back against his pelvis that had skin slapping ringing out. A shot of sound when he snapped his hips forward to hit against his husband as inner walls spasmed in their tight squeezes around him. Watching is husband jerk and jolt underneath him with each thrust forward into that tight heat.

f*ck him, he loves it. He could f*ck this man all night and it would still feel just as exhilarating as the first time. Still f*cking hot to watch Shouta fall apart beneath him. The slick, wet squelch accompanied each of their thrusts that met perfectly in the middle. Rasping, shaking pants being taken as he happily snapped his hips forward without a second thought. Giving in to that howling voice in the back of his head that had him flying forward faster. Following along with the howled words of his husband to go faster.

He couldn’t risk harder but f*ck if he couldn’t give it to him faster. He felt a bead of sweat crawl down his uncomfortably hot cheek with hair swaying and brushing at his feverish skin. Dangling down to sway above his husband’s pale skin. He could spend all night like this. He could stay right here for the rest of his night, and he would be f*cking happy. Content. He could f*ck his husband all night and never, ever get enough of the moaning man beneath him. Hips jerked back to hit against his pelvis again, again, again.

Leaving him absolutely flushed. Panting as he relished in the feeling of Shouta moving with him, but God knows the previous position had been hot. Oh, the sight of his legs up and shaking against his arms? How vulnerable was a position like that? It had his skin ripping with each as he felt that low stirring of an org*sm settling into his lower stomach. It had him clenching his jaw to muffle a keening, deafening moan as he snapped his hips forward eagerly. Meeting his husband perfectly with each thrust that created another slap.

Another shot of sound in their bedroom that rang out louder than that soft music Shouta had playing. Lost in his feverish mind as nothing mattered but the pleasure pooling into his stomach. The heat raking its sharp nails beneath the surface of his skin much like the nails dragging over the blanket. The ragged panting leaving the both of them as the blanket rustled beneath rocking knees and grabbing hands. The squirms and twists. He could feel sweat beading and rolling down his back just like his forehead.

The nape of his neck. It was so hot, so hot, so hot. Even the lazy puffs of air coming into their bedroom were too hot. He was melting into a puddle as he snapped his hips forward to dive into that heat. Eager to give those thrusts that allowed him to slip back into the tight squeeze. To have hips swinging back to hit against his pelvis with that same strength he used. Following along with him as the stirrings of that org*sm tightened into a spark low in his stomach. Clawing nowhere butupas his world sizzled and burned.

A heat that had his bloodboilingthrough his damn veins.It had him shuddering as he snapped his hips forward to chase after the pleasure feeding into that org*sm rather than away from it. From here it was a matter of pulling back enough to make sure it wasn’t too deep in his husband so he could suck it out. Get it out of him without the worry of it dripping down his husband’s shaking thighs. Even if he’d give nothing but to see that sight. Panting raggedly, he felt that weak spinning to his head as the heat sizzled.

Burning down to claw along his very bones as he whimpered. He couldn’t get enough. Not of this and not of this man. His husband would always leave him coming back for more, more, more. He had missed this when they’d been working their overtime and extra hours. Running their patrols. He missed his husband like nothing else but now that he had him? Well, he certainly wasn’t going to be letting go easily. Snapping his hips forward to meet his husband’s backwards swings had his toes curlingat the pleasure.

He gripped fistfuls of the blanket to his hand when he felt hands cupping the backs of his. Fingers curling over his shaking fingers when his left hand was pulled from the bed. And he happily changed the angle of his hips as he reached down beneath him to that dripping erection. Making a damn mess as it dripped shamelessly, he curled his fingers around the black-haired man’s erection. Throbbing and twitching in his grasp, he began to stroke him quickly in time with that urgent thrusts they were both giving.

Matching the speed as he curved and twisted his hand up towards the head like his husband showed him that he liked best. It had the black-haired man moaning with such shamelessness it had his stomach tightening with that oncoming org*sm. Snapping his hips to bury himself in the heat that seemed to be growing tighter, tighter, tighter around him. Clutching for all its worth around him as if to milk him of every possible drop of come he had in him. It had his erection throbbing as hips renewed their arch up.

jerking back against his pelvis. It had him growling at the black-haired man when he then clenched tightly around him. Hot, hot, hot. There was no way one man could blaze so hot for so long. Sweat dripped his cheeks and the side of his face as he stroked his husband fast, fast, fast. Squirming, twisting, rutting together as he thrusted into that tight heat was tensing up around him. He tried to change the angle of his hips again only for Shouta to wail out as he jerked beneath him. Inner walls clamping downtight.

He tightened his grasp on the throbbing erection in his grasp. Snapping his hips forward giddily as he stroked his husband fast, fast, fast when he slid his hand up to grind the pads of his fingers into the dripping head. Tearing another cry out of his husband as hips jerked back frantically to meet his snapping thrusts as his husband clenched and spasmed around him. Hot, hot, hot. f*ck, he was so hot. Tight. His hips jumped in that frantic, frenzied thrusts into the contracting heat that was gripping him so f*cking good.

Ohhhh, it was good. He’d have to shorten his thrusts soon, but he wanted to get his husband off first. Get him over that edge and he’d be coming with him in mere seconds, and he’d have to make sure he was shortening his thrusts considerably. Snapping into that tight heat, he made sure to keep the angle of his hips to hit at his husband’s prostate causing the man to jolt and jerk beneath him. His back arching with his heaving chest pressed to the bed as his husband wailed up at him with that ecstasy.

That pleasure it gave him as black curls clung to his shoulders and his red cheek. To the layer of sweat forming over him. It had him shuddering when inner walls clenched tighter, tighter, tighter around him when Shouta was writhing with his head thrown back. Contracting around him so f*cking tight that felt closer to a strangle hold as he cried out. Stroking his husband fast, fast, fast as his erection throbbed in his grasp when Shouta began to tense up beneath with another shout leaving the black-haired man.

Clawing up in volume until his husband was wailing out beneath him as he snapped his hips back. Feverish. Frenzied. Frantic. Panting raggedly as he yanked his hips back when his husband shook beneath him with his erection throbbing frantically in his grasp. Coming, coming, coming. A slurred wail of a singular word that melted into his name.Hearing the hoarse, deep voice wailing Hizashi, Hizashi, Hizashi like it was a praise. A curse. A god he was shouting too desperately as his own world shrank to a pin point.

A small point where he was choking under that boiling heat as he thrusted shallowly into his husband. Frantic himself as that org*sm twisted up as he teetered on that edge with a gasp. Thrusting shallowly into the black-haired man as he chased after his own org*sm. His world a boiling hot spot where nothing mattered but Shouta, Shouta, Shouta. His Shouta who was twisting and squirming in the throes of an org*sm as inner walls pulsed and throbbed around his erection to pull at him with moans dripping out of him.

Coaxing him to come, come, come already and he couldn’t hold it back a second more. Couldn’t think of anything when his mind could o9nly focus on the heat in his stomach. The shake of his thighs as muscles jumped weakly as he snapped himself into that contracting heat. The burning sparks ripping up his back as balls drew up in preparation. Dancing on the edge wishing he could last longer, longer, longer in his husband. The wet, slick squelches of his thrusts ringing out until he couldn’t hold that rush back a second more.

Drawing his hips back quickly without slipping out as he threw his head back with a deafening howl. Rattling. Items around the room shook and rattled at the vibrations as his quirk activated but he couldn’t think to stop it. Not when that insignificant pluck had tingles rushing up his shaking thighs that tensed up much like his stomach as it exploded through his stomach. Coming, coming, coming as he gasped only for another strained, higher note of a cry left him as he shook under the rushing white-hot waves.

Eating him up. Drowning under the waves that lapped under his skin to chase away that burning heat as he gasped at the tight clench of his husband around him. Gushing, gushing, gushing. Choking. Drowning. Burning under the white-hot heat that had his erection damn near pulsing with its frantic throbs with the spurts leaving him. Shaking. His stomach flexed much like his shaking thighs as he clutched at the throbbing erection in his grasp. The blankets with the other desperately with a tremble.

He wished he could bury himself into that tight heat and grind through it, but he couldn’t. Not this time. Ohhhhh, it was so f*cking good. It was like scratching an itch he hadn’t known he had. Moaning, whining, whimpering, groaning and growling out his husband’s name in that choked pitch. His world consisting of Shouta, Shouta, Shouta. A chant. A god. A divine being who had granted him mercy. An expletive's with inner walls throbbing around him. Pulling at him as if to coax out another spurt of come.

Another shot into him for him to suck and lap away. It had him shuddering with a subtle arch to his back. He was melting under that white-hot heat. Suspended in that white-hot state where nothing mattered but the man shaking beneath him as he tried to breathe through it. So good, so good, so good. Too good, too good, too good. A mewl leaving his husband beneath him as his own breath whines of the man’s name left him faintly. He couldn’t connect that high ready sound of his voice with himself.

Not yet.

And then, then, then that org*sm was rushing out leaving him shaking in its absence. He had to hurry, however, before it could drip out of his husband to the blankets. Down his thighs. Tugging himself out of his husband with a vulgar, wet sound, he raised the man’s hips upwards. Another breathy mewl left his husband when he pulled him apart with a squeeze to his ass. He then leaned in to cover that twitching hole giddily where he then suckled at him with the new flavor of their flavored lube spreading over his tongue.

It was a strange turn on having his mouth somewhere his dick had been previously but God he didn’t care as he began to use an increasing pressure behind his suckling as he moved his tongue forward to prod at him. Pushing in with little resistance while his husband squirmed and whined out at him with nails dragging over the blankets. Lowering himself and Shouta’s hips slightly, he sucked again when his tongue lapped at his inner walls. Keeping it up consistently when he then got the first taste of it.

Come, he had long since found, had never held much of a pleasant taste. Salty. Musky. He knew pineapple could make come taste sweet hence why he’d taken the job of snacking on pineapples when he ran to the store for dinner. It wasn’t overly sweet nor musky and salty but an okay taste. He knew most of the lube was covering the taste but he was getting more, more, more of his come with his sucking. Gently lapping at Shouta’s spasming inner walls that were clearly reacting to the after shocks of his org*sm.

Sucking as he swallowed his own come with gentle licks to lap as much of himself out of Shouta as he could. Gently scooping it with his tongue as he again changed his angled don lower allowing for his come to dribble towards his mouth as he sucked. Another reedy sound left his husband at the overstimulation of it when he let go of his husband’s twitching dick. He lapped gently at him with swallows in between until he was confident there wasn’t a trace of himself left behind. Wasn't a trace of come left within him.

The sweet flavor of the lube hid it if there was and he pulled his mouth away. Sliding his tongue free before reaching for his husband's waist to grab him gently. Coaxing him to roll carefully with Shouta moving sluggishly with his movements as he laid him out on his back. His weight hitting it with a light bounce to the bed when he settled himself between his husband's legs prompting them to spread. And he slid his hands along his thighs as he leaned forward to lap his tongue over his husband's stomach.

Lapping at the spurts of cooling come on it with muscles trembling beneath his tongue and mouth. Licking his way up to the higher spurts closer to his upper stomach as hands twisted weakly into his hair as he lapped at his stomach with muscles quivering viciously beneath his mouth. Closing his mouth over thicker spurts to suck at the skin. He then reached up to wrap his finger around the base of his twitching dick when he leaned in covering the head gently. Sliding down to take him further into his mouth.

Humming briefly at the weight of his husband's softening dick on his tongue as he sucked gently at him. Lapping him clean of the lube and come on him before sliding up to swirl his tongue against the head with that gentle suction when he prodded at the slit. Sucking lightly when his husband whimpered up above him prompting him to pop off the black-haired man. He crawled up then flopped down next to his husband when arms were curling around him with Shouta nuzzling his head up beneath his chin.

Kissing at wild black locks, he slid his arms around his husband with a low hum as he nuzzled black locks breathlessly. Kissing at his husband’s head as kisses and nuzzles were placed along his throat. Up beneath his jaw. Soft kisses that had him melting as he twisted up with Shouta with heaving, uneven pants being taken. Showering the top of Shouta’s head with kisses had the man melting in his arms with hands sliding lazily along his back. Tracing out his scars blindly when he tightened his arms around him.

He then slid his hands slid up and down lazily along his husband's back who let out a soft hum at him.Crackling. Hoarse. A gentle sound that had him crooning into black locks in his own raspy, husky pitch earning himself a nuzzle up beneath his jaw. He loves this man. Loves, loves, loves him to bits. He buried his face in those wild black locks that brushed and tickled at his face when he gave a few kisses. Giggling when he felt those full lips pressing to his throat beneath his jaw, gently again and again.

Frantic to return the affection given to him. In a few moments he’d suggest moving and rinsing off in the shower. In a few minutes he’d get them both ready for bed for a movie marathon or something of the sort together. Sliding his hands along Shouta’s back, he felt Shouta pulling back slightly when he pressed a kiss to his sweaty forehead when he got a breathless laugh from his husband. Lips pressing to his jaw with a nuzzle when fingers tugged playfully at his hair as it was no doubt twirled around shaking fingers.

There were a few more playful tugs when he swept his own hand up his husband’s back to comb through black locks with playful tugs of his own. Placing another kiss on Shouta’s sweaty forehead, he couldn’t help but sigh out with that contentment. It felt as if it had been forever since he could enjoy the after org*sm bliss with his husband. Especially when one or both of them had been busier than anything as of late with a few moments of down time together. At least it was going to be all worth it to get everything done.

It’d all work out when their anniversary was upon them. Shouta then leaned in to nuzzle their noses together causing him to giggle at the black-haired man. Nuzzling back gently in the absence of frantic kisses as he knew better than to place his lips on his husband’s face after having his mouth on his ass like that. It was unsanitary. He knew he needed to break away from his husband to clean himself. Knew he should. But instead, he was curling into his husband’s arms rather than jumping up to get himself cleaned off.

And he could feel Shouta cuddling into him with his head ducking back down to tuck itself under his chin. He nuzzled the top of his head with frantic kisses when he felt arms tightening around him again as he cuddled into his husband in response. The feel of full lips nuzzling into his throat when he got a soft kiss up under his jaw when his husband sighed out before speaking in that low, husky murmur that always had his heart fluttering. “Lo-Love you, Zashi.”

“Love you too, ba-baby! So fu-ffff*cking much! Yo-You're the f*cking best, baby, yo-you know that?” A lazy hum left his husband when he sighed out. A few minutes wasn’t going to hurt him, was it? Just a few more moments were all he needed. He wanted to take the moment to relish the feel of his husband curled up in his arms as he nuzzled his throat gently. kissing at the top of his husband’s head earned him the feel of that hot face pressing into his throat. Curled in his arms. Just a few more minutes wouldn’t kill him.

Fifty Darker Shades of EraserMic - Chapter 36 - CrypticBeans (anactualcryptid666) - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.