Managing your application (2024)

If you change your mind about what you want to study, simply log in to your application and change your preferences. Don’t start a new application. To cancel your application, write to or email UAC and include your UAC application number.

How to change your course preferences

  1. Log in to your application using your registered email address and password.
  2. Select Course preferences from the top navigation bar.
To change the order of your course preferences:
  1. Click on the up arrow or down arrow below the course you want to move. Keep clicking the arrow until the course is in the correct position.
  2. Click the Update button.
  3. Click the Save and check button.
To delete a course preference:
  1. Click on the x on the right-hand side of the course name.
  2. A dialog box will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to remove the course. Click OK.
  3. Click the Update button.
  4. Click the Save and check button.
To add a new course preference:
  1. Click on Search for courses.
  2. Click the Select institutions dropdown.
  3. Select all the institutions you are interested in.
  4. Close the selection box.
  5. Enter a course name, course code or keyword into the search box. The matching courses will be displayed.
  6. Select your course preference by clicking on the start date for the relevant courses. You can choose one or several.
  7. Click on the Review your preferences button.
  8. Check the order of your preferences and move them as required.
  9. Click the Update button.
  10. Click the Save and check button.

Secondary results

You usually don't need to upload your Australian Year 12 results or ATAR. The exceptions are:

  • Queensland applicants with an ATAR: You need to give QTAC permission to share your ATAR with UAC and the other state tertiary admissions centres. We won't be able to assess your ATAR if you don't do this. Alternatively, you can upload a copy of your official Senior Statement and ATAR Notice to your UAC application as soon as they become available. However, subject adjustment factors are not automatically applied to results provided to UAC by applicants. You’ll need to contact the institutions to have these allocated to you.
  • Students completing Year 12 in the middle of the current year: Upload your results and official ATAR notification to your application as soon as you receive them.

Current International Baccalaureate students: Ask your school IB Diploma coordinator to authorise the IB to release your IB Diploma results directly to UAC. This needs to be done in addition to any other request for results to be sent to an institution. Alternatively, upload a copy of your official Results Certificate and Diploma Certificate to your UAC application as soon as they become available. However, subject adjustment factors are not automatically applied to results provided to UAC by applicants. You’ll need to contact the institutions to have these allocated to you.

Other applicants with the IB: Authorise the release of your results to UAC via the Request for Results Service on the International Baccalaureate Information System (IBIS). This needs be done in addition to any other request for results to be sent to an institution. Alternatively, upload a copy of your official Results Certificate and Diploma Certificate to your UAC application as soon as they become available.

Tertiary results

UAC can access results from most Australian tertiary institutions. If you need to upload results, you will be prompted to do so in your application.


If you need to provide supporting documents, you will be prompted to do so in your application. The required documents will also be listed in your confirmation of application, which you can download when you complete your application. View requirements for commonly requested documents.

Provide any required documents as soon as possible after applying to make sure there is time for them to be assessed before offers are made. Check application key dates.

All documents must be uploaded as PDFs through your application. Hardcopies will not be accepted.

UAC needs your correct contact details so that you can receive important information from us or the institutions. Access the ‘Personal details’ section of your application to change your contact details, or write to UAC quoting your application number.

  • Make sure you provide a personal email address. Don't use a school email address as it will expire.
  • You cannot change your contact details by phone, fax or email.
  • Don't include changes to your contact details with other correspondence.
  • If you're a current NSW HSC student, you must change your address with both UAC and the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).

If you apply for a teaching course at one of the following institutions, you'll need to answer a question about your motivation and suitability for teaching as part of your UAC application:

  • Australian Catholic University
  • Australian College of Physical Education
  • Charles Darwin University
  • Charles Sturt University
  • Griffith University
  • Macquarie University
  • Southern Cross University
  • University of Canberra
  • University of New England
  • University of Notre Dame
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • University of Wollongong

Other institutions may have alternative questionnaires or statements to complete.

You'll be prompted to answer the question after you submit your initial UAC application. Your response will be valid for all teaching preferences to the above institutions.

Tips for writing your response

You'll be asked to write a minimum of 100 words in response to the following question: 'What has inspired you to become a teacher and why do you think teaching is a good career choice for you?'

When writing your response, consider including:

  • who and what has inspired you to become a teacher
  • the types of skills and abilities you will bring to teaching
  • any leadership or community activities you have engaged in.

Before you submit your response, be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors.

UAC will email you with information about your application and offers. Add the domain to your list of safe email contacts to prevent these messages being directed to your junk mail folder. It is your responsibility to check your emails regularly (including your junk emails) for any messages from UAC.

You can also view these emails by logging in to your application and selecting 'View correspondence'.

You can check whether UAC has received your results, finalised the assessment of your qualifications and found any issues preventing you from receiving an offer to any of your preferences. Once UAC has assessed your application, a short statement will appear under each of your qualifications and preferences. If there are no statements under your qualifications your application is still in the queue waiting to be assessed. If individual qualifications have no statements, those qualifications have not yet been processed. If you require more detailed explanations of these statements, you will be able to view qualification status explanations and course preference status explanations.

Year 12 students born in non-English-speaking countries

You will see the following statement under each of your course preferences: Results pending – English language requirements.

You do not need to take any action in response to this statement.

All applicants born in non-English-speaking countries are required to provide proof of their English language proficiency, no matter how long they have lived in Australia. Your Year 12 qualification will provide this proof. Once you have received your ATAR (or IB Admissions Score) this statement will disappear.

If you don’t receive an ATAR (or IB Admissions Score), the institutions you have preferenced will assess your English language proficiency on a case-by-case basis. While they are doing this the following statement will be displayed under each of your preferences: Decision pending – English language requirements

If you apply for an early offer through the Schools Recommendation Scheme, you can still receive an offer before your Year 12 results are released. It is assumed that all applicants who receive an SRS offer will successfully complete Year 12.

Note that there are additional English language proficiency requirements for nursing and midwifery courses.

Your Confirmation of Application summarises your application. It includes your document cover sheet if supporting documents are required.

We can recommend you download it for your records.

To cancel your application, send us a request via our online enquiry form and include your UAC application number.

Note that application fees are not refundable under any circ*mstances except as required by law.

Managing your application (2024)


How to effectively answer application questions? ›

In your responses be specific. It is better to give one specific example of a skill than answer generally. Make sure that your answers refer to what you did. The reader is looking to employ you, not the team you worked on a project with. Answers are more powerful when they are supported by evidence.

How to write job application answers? ›

Use the job description and your research on the company to supplement your answer with relevant information. Use the STAR technique (AKA “show don't tell”) to answer where possible. Provide concrete examples, not just statements. Write original answers – don't copy and paste from resumes or cover letters.

How do you respond to an application response? ›

How to reply to a job application acknowledgment
  1. Read the message. ...
  2. Find the appropriate contact information. ...
  3. Write a salutation. ...
  4. Thank the recipient. ...
  5. Mention your eagerness. ...
  6. Offer additional information. ...
  7. End with a sign-off. ...
  8. Proofread your message.
Mar 16, 2023

What should I say when asking about my application? ›

I wanted to follow up on my recent application for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name]. I remain excited about the opportunity to join your team, and I'm eager to learn more about the hiring process. Please let me know if there are any updates or additional information I can provide to support my application.

How do you answer Q&A effectively? ›

Here are 17 tips to keep in mind when preparing to answer difficult questions effectively and constructively:
  1. Prepare for tough questions. ...
  2. Pause before responding. ...
  3. Monitor your body language. ...
  4. Reword the question. ...
  5. Take more time if you need to. ...
  6. Acknowledge the other person's emotions. ...
  7. Answer a portion of the question.
Jun 9, 2023

How long should answers be for job application questions? ›

How long should interview answers be?
  • Your response may be short (30 seconds to two minutes) if the question is simple. ...
  • Your response may be longer (two to four minutes) if the inquiry is complex, which is common for behavioral questions or in-depth questions about your experience.
Nov 30, 2023

What is a good opening sentence for a job application? ›

Tell them why you're excited to work for the company, and you'll totally blow them away. For instance, if I'm applying for a content writing role, I could say, “I'm excited to work at [company name] because I'm passionate about content writing, and I think my skills and experiences will be a good match.”

What is the star technique in interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

How to make your job application stand out? ›

10 Tips to make your job application stand out
  1. Tip 1: Add a bit of personality.
  2. Tip 2: Use keywords.
  3. Tip 3. Include a photo.
  4. Tip 4. Add examples.
  5. Tip 5. Get a referral.
  6. Tip 6. Provide a portfolio.
  7. Tip 7. Demonstrate your passion.
  8. Tip 8. Include a pop of colour.

How do you respond professionally? ›

Here are a few tips for answering emails professionally

Stay on topic: Keep your responses focused and avoid including unrelated information. Be concise: Use clear and concise language to get your point across. Avoid using unnecessary words or overly complex sentences.

How to respond to a candidate not selected? ›

After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with your application at this time. While we were impressed with your qualifications and your interview, we are moving forward with candidates whose skills and experience align more closely with the needs of this position.

How to reply if you are interested in the job? ›

Thank you for reaching out to me – I feel very interested to learn more about the role! I am very excited to learn what the position has to offer. I have [Years of experience] years of experience in [Industry the role is in]. [Mention an accomplishment that would put you in a good light].

How do you politely follow up on an application? ›

Craft a compelling message
  1. Start by thanking the hiring manager for considering your application.
  2. Mention specific aspects of the job or company that appeal to you.
  3. Briefly reiterate your qualifications and explain why you would be a good fit for the role.
  4. Offer to provide additional information or references if needed.

How soon after applying for a job should I call? ›

Unless the job posting specifically instructs you not to contact the recruiter or hiring manager, you should follow up with a phone call or an email one to two weeks after you apply. In your message, reiterate your excitement for the position and ask about next steps.

How long after a job application to hear back? ›

44% hear from employers within a couple of weeks of applying. 37% hear back within one week. Only 4% hear back within one day.

How to do well on application based questions? ›

7 Suggestions to Deal with Application-Level Exam Questions
  1. Learn the anatomy of any exam item. ...
  2. Differentiate between recall and application-level exam questions. ...
  3. Learn how to deal with qualifiers in the stem. ...
  4. Be prepared to know more than one concept. ...
  5. Develop critical-thinking abilities while on the job.
Sep 25, 2018

How do you answer application assessment questions? ›

How to answer assessment questions
  1. Ask the employer to give you an idea of what to expect. ...
  2. Visualize the information in the question. ...
  3. Underline the keywords in the assessment question. ...
  4. Do readings before you respond. ...
  5. Answering questions in the reverse order. ...
  6. Use the elimination process. ...
  7. Take personality tests online.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the most effective method of answering questions in an interview? ›

STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result and is meant to help you structure your answers to those questions. The benefit of the STAR method is that it should help you provide clear and concise answers — be specific, but don't get caught up in the details.

Who of the following should you never list as a reference? ›

Here are some people to take off your list.
  • A former boss you didn't get along with. ...
  • Relatives and friends. ...
  • Someone you haven't checked with first. ...
  • Someone you've never worked with directly. ...
  • Someone you haven't worked with or talked to, in years.
Jun 21, 2023

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.